Okay so it sounds like you have a 30 gallon tank or so if I calculated that right...
T5 HO lamps are more efficient than PC.
So you get more light output for each watt of energy consumed. Therefore, using 130 watts of T5 would give you more light, less heat, etc, etc.
The amount of light used for reef tanks is a matter of subjection, but usually it's figured on a watts-per-gallon basis. This does not take into account efficiency. PCs are some of the lowest efficiency out there, so you generally need more watts-per-gallon (wpg) of PC than you would for something more efficient, say metal halide or T5 (which are both pretty well tied for top marks of efficiency).
For T5 or Halide, 5wpg is usually pretty good. For PCs, I'd want 6-8 watts to keep clams or anemones successfully. Now I'm sure SOMEONE is going to crawl out from under a rock and proclaim how they are keeping clams and/or anemones under less, but these are my opinions, not facts!
T5s would be perfect for this tank. In your situation, 6x24 watts of T5 would give you 144 watts of light, which would let you keep whatever you wanted.