T5 Lighting


Active Member
Is this the right T5 ligting system? Aqualight with 10,000k & Actinic Fluorescent T5 Lamps - 2x18W - 30 in
Is this good for corals? Its says so but I know you cant trust most ads.


I have the Nova T-5 36"4-39 watt with Lunar on my 30 gallon & am very happy with them. Corals, Anemone, etc are all doing great under them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Is this the right T5 ligting system? Aqualight with 10,000k & Actinic Fluorescent T5 Lamps - 2x18W - 30 in
Is this good for corals? Its says so but I know you cant trust most ads.
18 watt bulbs at 30" are normal output T5 (NO T5); you only are interested in high output T5 (HO T5).
Go for a 2 x 65 watt power compact fluorescent fixture, 4 x 24 watt 24" T5 high output Tek Light fixture, a clamp on 150 watt metal halide fixture, a 150 or 250 watt metal halide pendant, or the Coralife Aqualight Pro 24" with 250 watt metal halide and 2 x 65 watt power compact fluorescents.


Active Member
Hey doglvr. Im thinking about getting the 36" 196 watt pc. Does it look crappy when it hangs off the tank. Also is there a way to configure it to fit the 30"? Thanks for all your help.