T5 Lighting


I still have an algae problem, my pet store guy told me I could change the bulbs out.
He said I need more blue on my actinics and change the spectrum of my whites.
Could someone please help on this?
I currently have
Current USA Nova Extreme Pro T5HO - 10K / 460nm Actinics: : 36" - 6 x 39 Watts (3 - 10K / 3 - 460nm Actinics)


Active Member
the current USA bulbs are TERRIBLE. i have the same fixture but 48". i would recommend changing the bulbs so there is less yellow spectrum and more blue, because the yellow spectrum level promotes algae growth.
since the bulbs that come with the fixture are bad, i just ordered three pure actinic giesemann bulbs. here are some good bulb brands:
hope that helps!


So what would you reccomend replacing the daylight bulbs with then? I have the same fixture and was wondering what type of bulb combo would work best.


Active Member
I wouldnt say the Current bulbs are terrible..Just there are better bulbs out there to use.
here is what i recommend..the Blue+ are SOOO much better..nicer color and great par. Actinic bulb doesnt really give you much par its just for colors to pop but the blue + does an EXCELLENT job at that..I would say with this combo you would be around a 14k color look to the tank and give you GREAT par and keep anything you want from SPS to clams
ATI Blue plus
ATI Aquablue Special
UV AquaSun
Giesemann Pure Actinic
ATI Aquablue Special
ATI Blue plus


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
I wouldnt say the Current bulbs are terrible..Just there are better bulbs out there to use.
here is what i recommend..the Blue+ are SOOO much better..nicer color and great par. Actinic bulb doesnt really give you much par its just for colors to pop but the blue + does an EXCELLENT job at that..I would say with this combo you would be around a 14k color look to the tank and give you GREAT par and keep anything you want from SPS to clams
ATI Blue plus
ATI Aquablue Special
UV AquaSun
Giesemann Pure Actinic
ATI Aquablue Special
ATI Blue plus
Good combo.


Ok so in using the blue+ bulbs. Would I just use all 6? Or just the 3 in place of the actinics? Then what would I get for the days?


Active Member
I listed a good bulb combination and where to place them in the fixture. Doesnt really matter where you put them in the light though


Thanks for the obvious coralreefer. LOL. I actually found a site that has all of them and it's only 10 to ship all 6. It's at reefgeek. Anyone deal with them before?