T5 lights.


Active Member
I have a 100 gal tank lit by 6 T5 54W flouriscent bulbs (2 blue and 4 daylight). each bulb has its own reflector, which as said increases the power by 3 times. It seems to me very very bright. I have my tank for several month. Corals are looking very healthy. My corals are LPS (open and close brains, frogspawn, goniopora) and few soft ones. Xenia reproduces very fast, every several weeks i remove some of the new stalks. Couple of weeks ago i brought 2 pieces of acropora to try. It seems to me doing fine.
Does anyone have this kind of lights or something similar?


Active Member
I've heard that we're going to start seeing them for aquarium use in North America in '03. I also read somewhere that you can buy them in the UK right now.


After performing a "google" search, it looks like T5 is the "next big thing" :D in lighting. It is available in Canada now. I do not know why we are not seeing this in the US yet.
Where did you get your T5s?
Incidently, in 2-3 years LED lighting will be the NBT. Lots of output, little heat, little power comsumption and very long lamp life. Notice the new stop lites you are seeing - the really bright ones - they are LEDs.


Active Member
Yes I live in the UK and T5 lighting is available NOW! :D
I am thinking of getting it, I only currently have 2 standard marine glos, what advantages will it bring? Also how do they go on my tank? (pardon my ignorance!) Do they hang from ceiling, fit over the aquarium??
Cheers guys,