T5 or MH? 120g


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
You northern people are spoiled rotten.
You southern people don't have to pay rediculously high heating bills for 4-5 months of the year

^^Butters: Aquactinics makes a fixture called the Solar Flare that does have moonlights. The fixture has (6) 54w bulbs, but are overdriven to run at 85w, which will probably be just fine.


I've seen a member here do this, not sure who but it's a wonderful idea. GO to any electronic part store, I'll say Radioshack since I worked there, and buy a simple PC fan. I'll say this one since it's the first one I found... http://www.radioshack.com/product/in...entPage=search
Cut a hole in your canopy and mount that in the hole. That SWF member that did this said it cooled his tank off by about 5 degrees. What I plan on doing, is getting a small button switch and wiring the fan to is, that way you can turn the fan on when you need it, lets day just when you have your lights on, or at night, whenever. It take a little knowledge of hardware wiring, so I don't suggest doing it if you've never done it before. Electrical wiring can be dangerous stuff...
Hope this helps...
EDIT: Us southern people don't have high bulls for the 4-5 months, we have high bills year around. WHen it's 80 degrees in December, and you keep your house at 74, you know that's a high bill.
My last month's bill was about $200, that b/c it's been about 85-95 for the whole month. Granted we do have overall cheaper electrical costs, but ours stay about the same amount year around...


im not going to build a canopy, im having a hard time getting the time to finish the stand lol. my original plan was t build a canopy and use ice cap 8xt5 HO retro kit.
but since there is not going to be no canopy, i need a fixture.
the tank will be by a ceiling fan thats on 24/7, so maybe that will help... if not ill throw a fan in the sump or something.
every once in a while we wont turn the ac on for a day and it will get around 80 in here.... but thats only 1 or 2 days a year. otherwise its kept at 72


i been thinking, SPS will not be in the picture......
would the 150w fixture be enought for everything else?
maybe a clam up top?
i dont wanna burn my colt(10-11in in dia) or inhibit being able to keep my lower light stuff.
im torn between the decision......
what do you aquactinics/t5 guys do for moon lights? like the constellation fixture?


Active Member
Last I heard Aquactinics was working on a constellation that would have 6 lamps and a row of LEDS in the center. Aquactinics dot com might have info on it.


will 2 moon lights even be enough?
i was looking at an aquatinics dealer, and they show the price as $800 with no bulbs.... is that a typo? also i cannot find any 8 bulb solar flare fixtures
i dont wanna spend 1g on a light lol i had to talk myself into spending $800 for one....
I just got my MH lighting (2x150 and 14K's) system in the mail this week fr 46g tank. I upgraded from PC's and man does mH lighting system make your tank 100 times better.
Here is my question regarding heat. I have a ceiling fan in my apartment almost over the tank. Do you guys think i should buy a fan?