t5 or MH?? Help!


I'm having a huge debate with myself. I finally decided I was going to upgrade my lighting soon (within the next few months). I have a 75 g (48") with just softies right now. I'd like to do some LPS and I want my Ricordeas to really thrive.
I have PC lights now, so I know I definitely need to upgrade. I was leaning towards the Current USA Nova fixtures and I think I decided the Pro (6 X 54W) was a better buy than the Extreme (4 X 54W). So I made my peace with that and decided to start looking for sales/used fixtures and maybe drop hints for my birthday in September.
Then, I open my email today and find my LFS has emailed me a coupon for 50% off the Aqualight Pro (2 x 150W HQI, 2 x 96W CF). But the coupon expires next Sunday.
What do I do??

Here are my concerns:
- Will I eventually want to keep SPS? Because then the Aqualight is better
- How significant is the difference in power consumption? I hear t5 fixtures are more energy efficient.
- Do I want lunar lights? (Aqualight has them, Nova Extreme/Pro don't)
- What is the difference in bulb-replacement needs/costs? I hear t5s need to be replaced every year or so, but PC/HQI probably need to be replaced more often- how often?
I think I'm leaning more towards the t5 (6 bulb), but I don't want to regret my decision. Any and all insights, tips, and personal experiences are *greatly* appreciated!


Active Member
If you used better bulbs I would go with the PRO. 150w halides would work, but I think you'd be happier with a higher wattage.


Originally Posted by WangoTango
If you used better bulbs I would go with the PRO.

Which Pro?
t5 Current USA Nova Extreme Pro (6 bulb) or Aqualight Pro (2 x 150w HQI)? Thanks for your response, btw!
It looks like the MH fixture would be ~ $420 including tax, and the t5 fixture would be ~$375, so not a lot of price difference. But it looks like the MH bulbs are more expensive than t5 and have to be replaced more frequently. And if I can do basically the same things with the Aqualight as the t5, I don't see why I shouldn't go with the t5. But that's why I'm asking these questions- is the MH fixture worth getting over the t5?


Active Member
i think you would be much happier with a Tek fixture or a aquactinics fixture than you would be with the current USA Nova Extreme. they cost more, but they are built better and get more out of the bulbs than the current fixture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Culp
i think you would be much happier with a Tek fixture or a aquactinics fixture than you would be with the current USA Nova Extreme. they cost more, but they are built better and get more out of the bulbs than the current fixture.
tek or aquatinics dont come with bulbs
go with the t-5 its a good all in one system yes the bulbs arent the best but u can always change them out and with the nova pro u can keep sps.....anywhere, its a very bright light, and $420 for being 50% off is still alought. and pcs suck so i wouldnt go with it. coralife hasnt quiet gotten in the loop with the t5s
with that said go with t5s u can get any color tank u want really blue white yellow purple and pink. but if u really want to get crazy and have the best of the best get a ati, i think the aquatinics would be to much light (solar flare that is) but u know what better yet get the nova pro its worth it


Active Member
i personally use t5 for both of my systems. mh is nice too. its all personal preference. energy wise, the more wattage, the more energy it uses. i hv the nova pro, and i really like it. compare to the tek or aquactinics, of course the tek and aqua are better, but more $$$$$ too. t5 bulbs need replacement every 12 or so months. i just change mine today. i went with giesemann midday, ati aquablues and uvi 75/25 bulbs. look!


Thank you everyone! I am leaning towards the Nova Pro t5, and maybe using better bulbs. But it's hard to say no to 50% off anything in this hobby!! If only the t5 fixture was on sale... but maybe it will be.
Really appreciate everyone's opinions!


Active Member
the nova bulbs arent bad there just not the best and if u dont like the color u can switch the bulbs, they come blue white blue white and so on what u can do is put 2blue and change them around cause ur eye will see the blue up front instead of a 50/50 look.,idk if that makes sense to u


Active Member
the nova pro isnt a bad fixture. u will just need to replace the bulbs that come with it after 6-8 months, with ati, giesemann or uvi bulbs.


Active Member
ya but its a 75g tank the nova bulbs will be able to keep anything he wants. if he is gunna buy new bulbs he might as well buy a tek or aquatinics. its $380 for a nova and from rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeefffff gggeeeeeeek a tek is $390 and $470 with bulbs so if u really think about it u can just buy the nova and leave it or u can spend the same amount of money and buy a nicer system


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
ya but its a 75g tank the nova bulbs will be able to keep anything he wants. if he is gunna buy new bulbs he might as well buy a tek or aquatinics. its $380 for a nova and from rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeefffff gggeeeeeeek a tek is $390 and $470 with bulbs so if u really think about it u can just buy the nova and leave it or u can spend the same amount of money and buy a nicer system
the tek 6x54w is indeed $470 with bulbs, but it doesnt include the legs ($58) and splashed guard ($34). tek is a nicer system. i'd hv gotten the tek 2 years ago if i wasnt on a budget then. i think i paid about $330 for the nova pro back then around 11/2007.


Originally Posted by fanker
ya but its a 75g tank the nova bulbs will be able to keep anything he wants. if he is gunna buy new bulbs he might as well buy a tek or aquatinics. its $380 for a nova and from rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeefffff gggeeeeeeek a tek is $390 and $470 with bulbs so if u really think about it u can just buy the nova and leave it or u can spend the same amount of money and buy a nicer system
Thanks for all the advice... btw, I'm a girl

I think the Nova Pro would be a good fixture- it gives me the splash guard, legs and bulbs to start with. And then I can upgrade the bulbs as I figure out what works best. I've heard great things about Geismann and ATI


Active Member
sounds good. sorry i didnt know. ya the nova bulbs will be fine. no reason to buy bulbs right now i have seen plenty of people just use the bulbs they come with with great results