T5 or PC?


I heard the t-5 are better.
But i have not seen any affordable ones.
Everything i see is the same price or close to mh.
So i'm thinking pc 260w.
I am happy with my coralife.
If you are on a tight budget you can get an oddysea by jebo.
But my jebo bulbs are no comparison of my coralifes.
It would not be worth it to change out all the bulbs either.


I'm saying i have not seen a good deal on vho.
They are about the same price as mh.
If you find a good deal i say go for it.
And that would be 260 pc.
I paid 160 for my 260w coralife
Oddysea is about 90
Plus shipping


I would go no less than 440 vho.
I have 660 vho on my 90 and lOVE the look and the light allows me to keep just about anything.


the question is not PC or T-5 but whether T-5 or MH
T5 owns any flourescent


When I bought my T5's I had the option to go with MH and I still went with T5's since they run much cooler, MH are too hot IMO(but they do look great though).


Active Member
watt per watt MH's are cheaper to buy and run then any other lighting system out there...Save money and do it right the first time.


Loved reading everyones opinions. I also am debating What type of lights to do. My question is, i also have a 90, and i use a wood canopy. If i decide to change the lights (to VHO or MH) how would I hook these up and still use my wood canopy? Also, If say I went with MH, wouldnt I also need other bulbs too.


Active Member
Well for the price of getting VHO, PC or T5 I would just get Metal Halide. They would be cheaper and would produce more light and you could keep everything. You would put more money into the others and still not have enough on that size of tank. Now if it was a smaller tank like a 75 or smaller I would say get the PC. The T5 lights cost about the same or more than metal halides and are just not worth getting.


sounds good, these seems to basically be everyones opinion. I want to go with MH, so would 2x 150 watt MH be enough? Also, what other bulbs would i need wouldnt i also need VHO's? 1- 10,000k and one actinic bulb as well as the MH? and with that said, i am confused even if i buy a retro kit where is it all made in one pack, how do i use it on my tank? as in do i just screw it into my wood canopy? or.. any suggestions, my wood canopy is only about 9" i would say off my water.... and i could put fans in it, and im not sure that is eought room off the water



Originally posted by Snipe
The T5 lights cost about the same or more than metal halides and are just not worth getting.

Originally posted by Bailey52

sounds good, these seems to basically be everyones opinion.

That's there opinion because they don't even know anything about T5's.Anyway if you're going to have some fans in your canopy go with MH.


Active Member
The T5 lights cost about the same or more than metal halides and are just not worth getting.
It is true the old t5 lights are just as good or worse than the PC lights and the new ones cost just as mutch as metal halides so why even get them.
I would say go for 2x250 or 3x250 on a 90 gallon tank.


Im planning on going with 2x250, or even 2x400, but i think the 250 most likely, but besides the 2 MH, what other 2 bulbs do you recomend I use and why?


New Member
i am using an orbit 48inch 4 X 96 watt and its plenty of light i am very happy with it, it has 4 cooling fans the heat is transfered away from the tank i got it onsale for $360



Originally posted by Snipe

so why even get them.

I got mine cause they are bright and run cooler(like I said).
And I really like MH(the shimmer effects) but the problem is the damn heat.