T5 Retro Kit


So does any prefer one kit over another or have any name brands to stay away from? Below are the ones I am looking at.
T5 Sunlight Supply Tek Retro System
IceCap T5
Current USA Nova Extreme T5 HO Retrofit


Active Member
Icecap would be the best IMO; the reflectors are better. Most places only give you the option of buying an icecap ballast which would overdrive the bulbs (adding heat, and shortening bulb life). See if you can swap it out for a Sylvania ballast.
TEK would be the next option IMO. I'm not sure what ballasts come with these kits.
I wouldn't even look at Nova.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
Icecap would be the best IMO; the reflectors are better. Most places only give you the option of buying an icecap ballast which would overdrive the bulbs (adding heat, and shortening bulb life). See if you can swap it out for a Sylvania ballast.
TEK would be the next option IMO. I'm not sure what ballasts come with these kits.
I wouldn't even look at Nova.
u can get tek light fixtures with icecap ballast also
also nova extreme t5 are great fixture for the buck as long as the tank isn't to tall I have corcea in there since april looks better then when I got it


Active Member
Nova's are fine as far as build quality goes but they don't hold a candle to Tek as far as light output goes. The parabolic reflectors add a lot of output over the single reflector the Nova uses.


I got the icecap retro...with a ballast that "normally drives" the bulbs...I didn't need to pump 80w to the bulbs with the icecap ballast, you still get excellent output...and the bulbs have some longevity this way too. I think it's the way to go!