T5 system anyone?


Active Member
Not sure what par stands for. Then I'll say that a lot of people keep sps under VHO so why switch to t-5? Are the bulbs hard to find? I haven't seen them any where.


Active Member
I know of 2 places to get them in the states. 1 My LFS, unless you are either myself our GrumpyOldMan that does you no good, 2. Online retailer that I can't post, but that is where I bought the ballast, ended up switching back to VHO's(personal preferance)


Active Member
Slick, here's my oppinion.
T5 is completely new kind of lighting system, which is based on VHO technology. It's very hard for people to believe, that fluoriscent bulb can support light demanding corals like Acropora. That was the reason for me to get a small frag and watch him grow. My tiny frags almost doubled in size within about 2 month and continue growing and developing. My plating Montipora grows really good also. I've seen pretty nice results in other SPS tanks lit with T5's. VHO bulbs should be replaced normally after 6 months. T5 bulb maybe replaced after 18 - 24 months.
Broncofish, i really wanna know, why you switched back to VHO?


Active Member
Ease of bulb replacement, and water proof endcaps. At the time when I set my T5 system up over my 29g bulbs were hard to come by, and I was using the regular endcaps. When I took my 29g down I never really thought about the lighting and let it sit out in my storage room, needless to say it had rusted to crap.....So when I set the 29g back up last week, I had VHO endcaps laying around, bulbs at my disposal, as compared to waiting for LFS to order the T5's. I don't have to replace my VHO but every 12-15 months though, I think your basing the 6 months on a magnetic, and not electric model. Also It might be just my silly eyeballs but the VHO's seem a little more intense.


Active Member
I never saw VHO since we have no such a lighting systems here.
So, i cannot tell the difference. I can only trust technical data of bulbs.


Active Member
I think the difference is very little and VHO and T5's are my favorite lights, especially since I don't want MH's around until my son is older.


Active Member

Originally posted by broncofish
especially since I don't want MH's around until my son is older.

Hey Broncofish, why is that :confused: