t5 unit/bulb help please


i finally got my lights for my tank and they dont seem to work i been waiting 3 weeks on these,
i checked everything i could i thought my previous bulbs blew out on me.
it's pluged in light switch turns on when its on but there seems to be no power to the bulbs.
on top of that i had a very stressfull time spilling coke a lot of fairy up liquid falling over sons toys slipping on wet floor so as of now im very very stressed as i was soooo excited about getting my lights so i can have a nice looking tank.
these bulbs cost me £16.99 each so they not cheap i made sure they are the correct bulbs for it too.
they are day light blue 60w.
can anyone help?
dean & family


Active Member
Check all the plugs and wiring, and make sure the bulbs are turned all the way in the encap and that it "clicks."
Sometimes you just get bad bulbs, and in most cases the place will replace them. It's happend to me before.


how does it work?
ie if one bulb goes so does the other????
ill take it into the lfs tomorro at 12pm gmt
i did the twist but if i try to twist any more the bulb might brake or might brake and cut my hand..
im hopping theres nothing wrong with the T5 unit ive also tryed swaping the bulbs and turning them other way around.
im hopping all is well tomorro after the lfs.


ok took it into the lfs that i baught it from.
it is the unit thats broken.
bulbs work fine.
they asked me to find the recipt or the bank papers to prove i baught it from that shop less then a year ago.
both are hard to find as it was baught in october........
am i able to send it off to the company that made it i would name the company but havebeen told off before abut nameing stuff..
any suggestions appreciated.