T5 vs. T6. What's the difference?


Is T6 lighting any good for a reef tank? I see they advertised as so. What's the difference between T5 and T6?


Active Member
If you can find the T6's with parabolic reflectors they are OK but not as good as the T5's/ You could probably use the Tek II reflectors with them. They are just slightly larger than a T5 and don't need as fancy a ballast. A T8 ballast or Workhorse will drive them fine.


Active Member
the the '5 / 6' in the t5/t6 is the diameter of the tubes ( the fluorescent tubes) t5 is a few years older then t6 to my knowledge and thats what make t5 the bulb/unit of choice. they had a few years to 'perfect' their stuff as oppose to t6, even though t6 are sappose to be good stuff... i myself dont know much about t6... this is just what i have read... ( as is right now with t5's, they are all about the reflector... the size of the tube being soo small, like 1/2 inch, allowing a gpd reflector to 'reflect' a lot of the light into the tank... i know it sound kinda confusing and stupid but... hum.. how do i put this... it's kinda like when when the light is reflected off the reflector, cuzz the bulbs is soo small, it only blocks a little of it's reflected light making it good... yes.. it's weird...your probally thinking 'why would you want the reflected light when you have the light from the source itself... well... thats simple... cuzz that half of the sorce is shining in to wrong direction... you got it!! it's shining up!!... thus the reason why a 'GOOD REFLECTOR; is so important... and why non-individual/crap (nova) reflectors are a waste....) ohh and pls spread the word on all this.. i dont wanna type this down again = ^b