T5HO Questions


Active Member
So I have been reading lately about T5 lighting, and since my budget is kind of tight right now, metal halides arent an option for me. Ive read the right T5s can let me have softies and some LPS. That sounds great to me!
Now for the some questions.
My tank would need a 20" fixture. Some of the fixtures that fit that would offer a totaly wattage less than what I have now in PCs. Are T5s really that much better to where I can have less total wattage than I have now with better results?
For example, 24 inch Current USA Nova Extreme T5HO offers 2x24 watt bulbs. Would this give me better results than my 2x32 watt PC bulbs?
What would you all recommend for me? The tank is a 24 gallon, with 20" across the top.
Thank you


ive asked this question several times and ive have received the same answer from everybody that have had pc lights and have switched to t5, i have yet to run into a person that has regreted the switch, i am also panning to switch over to t5's i have a 37 gal reef tank and i cant wait untill i get the t5 lights
t5's put out alot more light, i was at my lfs and the guy put a 10" t5 light fixture over a 55 gal tank that was at that time running pc and the difference sold me, so yes imo get the t5 you will not regret it


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But less wattage in T5HO lights is better than more wattage in PCs? If someone could confirm this Id order them tomorrow haha.


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Not sure that a 2x24 Nova is much of an upgrade. a 2x24 Tek would be because of the good reflectors.


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With good individual reflectors, less wattage is still more intensity, but you also have to keep in mind that you can't really gauge wattage in the same way that you can with PC lighting because the PAR rating is better. I've seen it explained a few times and don't quite understand it yet myself, but personally, I wouldn't get the T-5 fixture if it doesn't have individual reflectors. If you're after a 24" fixture, try for the Current Sundial, which has 2x24w T-5 bulbs and individual reflectors, plus integrated timers. That's just my opinion, though. I looked at T-5s a few times since starting the hobby and am finally sold on them and I'll be picking up the 30" Sundial for my 20L frag tank. T-5 can handle SPS and clams if it's high enough power.


Active Member
Okay, so what makes the difference is individual reflectors? Those Tek lights are so much more expensive. I was considering the Sundial system after I mentioned the other one.
The 24" Sundial T5HO 4x24watt lighting fixture reads in its description "individually contoured reflectors for maximum light intensity." So heres my question to you all now, if you were me, would you buy it for your system? I could wait a bit longer and get the Sunpod HQI but I dont want to need to buy T5s anyways for actinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Okay, so what makes the difference is individual reflectors? Those Tek lights are so much more expensive. I was considering the Sundial system after I mentioned the other one.
The 24" Sundial T5HO 4x24watt lighting fixture reads in its description "individually contoured reflectors for maximum light intensity." So heres my question to you all now, if you were me, would you buy it for your system? I could wait a bit longer and get the Sunpod HQI but I dont want to need to buy T5s anyways for actinics.
The best bang for the buck are the New Nova's they are sort of individual reflectors while not parabolic they are individually incased in a reflector shield that gives you the individual reflector benifits while still being a single piece of reflector material. They are middle of the road IMO for product and effieciency. Where Teks and aquatinics excell is in their ballasts and their true individual parabolic reflectors, making them the most efficient HO T5 light available.
IMO as far as intensity of lighting is concerend if you have PC lighting vs NO T5 then there is no difference other than bulb size. If you bump up the T5's to HO then you increase their intensity but lose a lot if they dont have individual reflectors so although they are stronger than PC's without the aid of individual reflectors then they are only slightly stornger IMO. Where the big difference lies is combining the reflectors with the HO bulbs, that is where I believe they increase their intensity to handle higher light demanding corals that you wouldnt be able to accomplish with the same or even higer wattage PC's... I dont believe that 2 HO t5's would benifit your tank to where they would surpass what you already have. However 4 with reflectors weather they be the novas or tecs most definatly will. just my 2 cents.
And if you went MH You could always buy a 14k bulb which adds more blue into your spectrum. This can sometimes be used in lieu of the added actinic t5 or pc lights that some people use with the 10k MH.


Active Member
those new nova sundials look awesome! If I were looking now, I'd get one. But t-5 run more effecient than pc from what I've heard and are capable of supporting SPS.


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
those new nova sundials look awesome! If I were looking now, I'd get one. But t-5 run more effecient than pc from what I've heard and are capable of supporting SPS.
There are a lot of other factors that need to be in line to keep sps with t5's one being they must be HO, but yea in comparson to PC's they are intense enough given the correct amount of watts and individual reflectors to support sps IMO.


Active Member
Yea SPS may be a bit pushing it while running T5HOs. You might want to bust for some MHs if you want those to do well for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Yea SPS may be a bit pushing it while running T5HOs. You might want to bust for some MHs if you want those to do well for sure.
not true at all. a 4x54w t-5 w/ individual reflectors has more par and intensity than a 2x150w 14k mh setup. i had a 55g with 4x54w tek and i had a full sps system, and a clam on my sand bed. and my 90g is only going to be a 6x54w


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
not true at all. a 4x54w t-5 w/ individual reflectors has more par and intensity than a 2x150w 14k mh setup. i had a 55g with 4x54w tek and i had a full sps system, and a clam on my sand bed. and my 90g is only going to be a 6x54w
Oh wow that definitely proves me wrong. Shows ya how much I know about lighting. Ive also was thought that MHs were necessary but it looks like the best T5s can do it too. My bad.


Active Member
i have the aquactinics 5x39w t5's over my 54 corner. after bleaching my sps's with the amount of light, the growth is quite impressive. also, the ability oto customize the bulb configuration is awesome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
not true at all. a 4x54w t-5 w/ individual reflectors has more par and intensity than a 2x150w 14k mh setup. i had a 55g with 4x54w tek and i had a full sps system, and a clam on my sand bed. and my 90g is only going to be a 6x54w



I purchased a cheap no-name T5 light fixture ,a month ago, for my 29 gallon tank. The fixture has four 39 watt bulbs and one very cheap looking reflector in it. I placed some browned out sps frags (green monti digi and cap) in the tank a few days after I recevied the T5s and they are getting their color back. I also placed some other sps in the tank that are maintaining their color and showing growth. I will be completly be sold on T5 if/when a frag of browned out purple digi gets it color back. I really like the shimmer of MH, but I am considering switching from MH to T5 on my 90 now that I have seen my sps color up and grow under T5 and because of the heat that MH produce.


Active Member
Originally Posted by francisco5
I purchased a cheap no-name T5 light fixture ,a month ago, for my 29 gallon tank. The fixture has four 39 watt bulbs and one very cheap looking reflector in it. I placed some browned out sps frags (green monti digi and cap) in the tank a few days after I recevied the T5s and they are getting their color back. I also placed some other sps in the tank that are maintaining their color and showing growth. I will be completly be sold on T5 if/when a frag of browned out purple digi gets it color back. I really like the shimmer of MH, but I am considering switching from MH to T5 on my 90 now that I have seen my sps color up and grow under T5 and because of the heat that MH produce.
Thats very good to hear. What is the brand of those lights? Hearing "no name brand" makes me think it may be a tad bit cheaper than normal


I paid 92.00 plus shipping for the no-namE BrAnd.Yes it is the 36" fixture. It came with 2 10000 white bulbs and 2 10000 blue bulbs.


Active Member
t5 is very comparable to mh. i hv purchased sps online that states it would thrive only under mh. the sps r all thriving under my t5 and growing.