t5's - t6's? whatever it takes


New Member
i have a 6' 125gal wanted to upgrade lighting, i was thinking of doing 4x96w which are considered to be t6's or 4x80w t5's,is there really that much difference? i would have to stagger the t5's they are only 60", has anyone done this? does it look alright?


Active Member
t6 are not high output so go with T5, but i dont think that 4x 80w bulbs will be enough, you may want a little more.


Active Member
The 4-96w sounds like power compacts maybe?? I'm not sure on the 4-80w...
The HO T5s normally come in 24w, 39w & 54w.
Power Compacts normally come in 18w, 32w, 40w, 65w, 96w & 130w.


New Member
thanks for the info, i'm leaning toward t5's, but worried about fitting all the bulbs and reflectors over the tank and still being able to have access


Active Member
Originally Posted by joway
thanks for the info, i'm leaning toward t5's, but worried about fitting all the bulbs and reflectors over the tank and still being able to have access
it may work if you have a canopy that opens from the top. if not you may want to look into a fully assembled fixture, like the aquactinics "constellation" 6' fixture with (14) 54w bulbs.