Tadpoles for fresh food


Putting a tadpole in your salt water tank would be about the same as you getting salt in your lungs and ground into many open sores. So no not a good idea.


Active Member
No. Many tadpoles are poisonous especially toad tadpoles, which those guys have a really high chance of being, like 90% depending on your location.


Active Member
Yes, Toad tadpoles are poisinous. In this part of the country almost all the ones I am seeing time of the year are Toad....... A bit early to see Frog eggs in my pond. Other than the very early "Spring Peepers" I think they breed in March as soon as the ice was gone, and those are tiny little T'poles.
Toads make long thin strings of eggs, Frogs lay a mass of eggs in one place. Every year for about a week or two in April, you can't hear youself think outside at night for the sound of breading Toads......My Lilly Pond has tens of thousands of Toad tadpoles this time of year. Nothing that I know of eats them, not even my stupid mutt, and he will eat most anything............