Take Blenny out to add sand?


New Member
I added about 30 pds of sand to my tank two days ago. It was playsand made by quickrete.(I tried to find SD and couldn't) Anyway, I have about 35 pds of LS as well. The water got real cloudy(even though I rinsed the sand), and now my scooter blenny seems to be having trouble breathing. Could he have ingested the dust? I guess there's nothing I can do?? Maybe others would like to know that it might be a good idea to take yours out till it settles when you add sand. I didn't know. Other fish are fine. Anyone got any suggestions for what I might do for him?


If you have a QT I would put them in that. If you do a search on this BB you will be able to find a list of what you need. I use a 10 gallon tank, heater, and a powerhead in mine. I use one of the lights off of my main tank since this is usually a temp. situation. Also if you have some pieces of PVC pipe for the fish to hide in that helps as well. Good luck.


I would say he is extremely stressed, has his breathing gotten any better, if not he could have gotten some on his gills. If your sand situation has gotten better just give him a couple more days, he should get back to normal.


New Member
Thanks, but he's still just laying there(upright) and breathing very slow. Maybe he'll make it, if he doesn't starve first. Anyway, I have a QT tank, but didn't think about that for him when I added the sand. Next time I'll know:(

aqua blue

Hey skip,
Just wondered how your Scooter Blenny is doing after your sand addition?
I recently added 20lbs. ls to the 40lbs ls that I originally started with. I don't have much in my tank yet so I removed the fake rock cover. ( I plan on adding live rock as $$$ allow) I removed about 1/2 gal of tank water to place my snails and crabs in so as now to burry them. I then wiped down the outside of the bag. I removed about 1 gallon of tank water to prevent overflow. I layed the bag flat inside the tank and cut off the top with a box cutter. I raked the new sand lightly to allow air bubbles to escape. I then lifted the edge of the bag closest to the back of the tank and slowly pulled to up and towards the tank front. This allowed the sand to slowly roll off the bag bottom and towards the tank front. I then slowly raked the new sand to level it out. It took about 3-4 hours and the water was almost as clear as when I started.
The fish were a little stressed but calmed down quickly. Everything seems to have adjusted fine.
I hope your sand addition works out o.k.


New Member
Blenny didn't make it. Everyone else was fine. Fitzwilly, your way of adding sand sounded safer than how I did it. I tried to rinse the sand but it still clouded the water badly. Although I hear of folks using just regular play sand on here(as did I), I'm not sure it was the best idea. Too dirty. I still need to add a little sand so next time I'm gonna buy it at the LFS.


New Member
Blu Tang, I don't have a refugium. I still new at this and kind of trying to figure out exactly what that is. I've seen some pictures on this web site. but still not sure how to go about making one. It seems to me I don't have anymore room in the cabinet under my tank. I have a sump under there and it takes up half the space. The other half has wires running everywhere, and since I have a 55 gal., the cabinet is narrow. Any suggestions?