Taking Bangaii Fry


New Member
I really did not want to think about breeding my fish, since when I was an avid aquarist years ago, my hobby got a bit out of hand. Though I would keep it more simple this time.
In any case my Bangaii have spawned, and the female has been holding for a bit, and I am thinking of trying to raise fry. I assume that since they are mouth brooders, the fry come out more mature and perhaps easier to raise than most saltwater fish. My question is, at what point should I try to seperate the eggs/fry from the mother so she does not release them into the main tank?


New Member
Thanks for doing the search for me. I appreciate it. Guess I am going to go out and get a net breeder. By the way, the zoos I got from you are doing well, especially the red edged which I have at least triple the polyps already. Thanks.


Active Member
have your babie made it out of daddys mouth yet. I would run to walmart and pick up a 10 gal freshwater setup for them. That would be better then a breeders net, not enough flow. did you see the thread in the reef section about bangiis being on the most endangered species list. O want to get a pair and try to raise some also.
good luck


New Member
The male released the fry in to the tank. We tried to catch the male, but it would have been impossible with disturbing the tank too much. We also tried to set up a safe area using skewers like aquarium and reef did, but the male chose a different area to release them I guess. My son did see one baby for a brief moment. I am hopeful a few might survive but my guess is most will get preyed upon. My corals are more important to me than the fry, so I just decided it was not worth disturbing the tank, going to let nature take its course.