Taking fish/corals from ocean


Hi guys, i have a project to do about taking fish corals from the ocean. How do you guys feel about that? Is there a specific word for that action? And better yet, does anyone know what it is in French?


Active Member
Yea, confused on this myself too. Do you mean buying wild caught fish/corals/etc from the store/online versus captivity bred/aquacultured stuff? Or collecting this stuff ourselves?


That is a tough question to ask on a saltwater fish forum because most of the fish in our tanks come directly from the ocean. Unfortunetely, most types of fish do not breed in captivity yet so we do get our fish from the ocean. I love my fish, but I just hope that the fish traders are not over fishing and taking too many fish year round from the reef's because this could cause problems.
I think eventually they will figure out how to get more fish to breed in captivity. I know reefs have it hard enough. I was shocked when my wife and I went to Aruba and they just bulldoze the reefs every time a new hotel goes in. They have just stacks and stacks of live rock and old dry rock thrown everywhere.
I did steal a small piece and brought it back with me so it could do some good.


Well-Known Member

I think there are plenty of fish, so taking them from the ocean isn't a problem to me...its the coral that I want home grown. I want the reef to last, they are already damaged from people harvesting from them, and aquarium grown coral is hardier and easier to keep alive. JMO I can't believe I am the only one who voted to not take from the sea.


Active Member
Seeing as how the majority of saltwater fish come from the ocean (and are not tank raised) yes, but only if they're sustainably collected.
If the average Joe tried to do it, they might be fined or arrested...