Taking of the xenia


I was wondering how do you remove a pulsating xenia that is attatched to a rock. Do you used a razor and cut it off from the base? can you cut it at the base and it will be ok?


Hope you get other replies because I'm certainly no expert but I did put 1 in my tank and the rock it was on cracked and fell apart tearing a small piece of the xenia base off with it. The little torn piece grew into another xenia and the mother piece didn't seem harmed


You can use a razor. Ive found a small pair of scissors works best for me. Rubber band the pice you cut off to a rock and soon you will have 2 xenia


Active Member
Are you wanting to remove it completely or just frag it.
Because if there is any portion of the xenia left on the rock after you cut it, it will grow into more of it.
If you want to remove it compeletly, that is a whole nother story.


I am selling some of the xenia, they have grown like "weeds" in the tank. I cut one off as close to the base as I could get (though i could not get all of it off), I want to make sure that I did not kill the piece I sold. It is fine if it grows back, that mean a pleasant surprize for the person who buys up my live rock.