Talk About a Horror Story

aquarius 1

You all ready for this one?! Well, my uncle has been keeping SW fish for something like 15 years, but by no means is he any expert, really thick headed too. He doesn't keep up on tank maintenance and he tends to overstock quite a bit. Well, it all came back to bite him in the a--. He has a 150 FO with no liverock and listen to this crazy list of inhabitants: Sailfin Tang, 2 Emperor Angels, one adult, one juvenile, 2 hippo tangs, a powder blue tang, a clown tang, a saddleback butterfly, a picasso trigger, an juv. orange-shoulder tang, 2 regal angels (Yes regals!), a Singapore Angel, 3 dominos, and the biggest and most beautiful Sohal tang you've ever seen. Honestly, this fish was close to a foot and half in length with a huge belly and rivals some of the Striped Bass I catch here in RI!. Oh yeah, he also tried to bring in 3 Moorish Idols, and you can guess how that ended up. So, last friday he fed his fish as usual all was fine, and when he woke up in the morning, one of his regal angels was dead. Knowing it was a difficult fish to keep, he didn't think twice about it. Then when he woke up the next morning every single fish, including the Show Size Sohal who's value is probably in excess of $500, was dead! - except for 3 dominos. So he calls me all upset about it and I told him to test the water. He did and the ammonia was 4.0!!! Can you imagine waking up one morning and seeing all of your fish dead!? He had well over $1500 worth of fish in there, and now they're all gone because of his own ignorance! Just goes to show you that tank maintenance and proper stocking is a must! He's asked me to held rebuild the tank, so relax now, we're in good hands - but I'm still in awe!


That's insane to have that many fish in the same tank! Even if he only had the tangs in there, he'd still be way overstocked! I feel bad for those fish. At least they're in a better place now.
Do you think he'll actually learn his lesson?


Active Member

Originally posted by jdogg2432
.. At least they're in a better place now.

:notsure: You mean like in "All Drains Lead To the Ocean"...?