TALK TO ME PEOPLE..JBJ 6 Gallon Nano Cube


Active Member
i dont know much about jbj but i think your gunna want to go bigger than 6g. i would do at least like a 12. once you get into it you will be so limited by the space and not to many fish can live in a 6g


Active Member
+1 spend as much as you can afford. i have a 28 nano cube and i am in the process of upgrading..i just got the tank last november.


I've got the 28g JBJ cube and it's very quiet.
Like everyone else I would suggest you go bigger if it's possible.
Thanks...I'm ahead of you guys already.
Gonna get the JBJ 12gal.
I'm not worried about space for more fish..need it kinda small and clean looking it is for the Kitchen...gonna get my 55 and 125 up and running once I move into my permenant house

My main concern is there any problems or short cummings with JBJ you guys can point out.