Tall anemone


Active Member
My sister went over to here boyfriends friends house last night and he had a 75 gallon reef tank. She has been bugging me forever to get an anemone, but I know better than to even want one in my 18 gallon. Anyways, she described it to me as being really long and white with pink tips, and it sounded like a Haitian Pink Tip, so I did a search and showed her a picture she said that this was it except the tentacles weren't as long as the picture. So she told me that the tentacles were only about 4 inches long and the overall anenome is about 12 inches long. Is this thing reaching for light or is there a species that looks like this?
The condylactis, of which the hatain pink tip is a variant, have a cool way of expelling waste and whaterver else it is that they do. They can dump all of their inter cellular water and shrivvel up to the sive of the last joint of you thumb, and thirty minutes later be inflated to the size of a saucer. It is rather entertaining. I have measured a tentacle on one of mine, that was 8" long. When he is resting, he still shrivels up. If she saw it between extremes, That may explain the discrepancybetween the photo and her recollection.