Tang and chromis with red spots


I have a yellow tang, a green chromis, and a blue hippo in a 75 gallon tank. Those are the only live things in the tank. I also have a protein skimmer and a whisper power filter.
This nite i noticed that the green chromis has one small red spot near his tail fin. The yellow tang has several spots on both sides of him. The blue hippo appears to be normal. Everything esle seems fine.
Well, today it looks like my tang has one or two less spots than he did 2days ago;) and my chromis still has the same spot, but it hasn't gotten any bigger, and no more spots have appeared. I put some maracyn two in last nite and will be following up tonite through Friday. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.
New Update - both the chromis and they yellow tang are almost back to normal. The chromis's spot hasn't gotten any smaller, but it is now a very light pink instead of a deep cherry red, and they yellow tang has only one slight line on the bottom of his side.


I don't have any live rock or even a clean up crew. I have told my fiance several times to get some peppermint shrimp or snails or something but he is too thick headed for that. As a result of that, there is quite a bit of uneaten food at the bottom. Here are my parameters.
Temp - 73
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - .25
Salinity - 1.024
Don't have a test kit for ph or nitrates:rolleyes: He did a 25% water change on wednesday, and i have finally convinced him to get a clean up crew. Any suggestions on what kind of creatures i should get for that and how many?
The tank was set up about the middle of june. We started out with two green chromises. One of them died within the first week with something similar. It was a loss of scales right near the tail fin. The other chromis survived and has seemed fine until now. We then added the yellow tang and he seemed extremely shy at first, until he added the blue hippo, a blue koran, a blonde naso, a perc clown, and a star fish. ( i know this is waaaayyy too many fish in that tank, but he again, wouldn't listen to me:mad: ) As a result all died except the blue hippo. (Told ya so!) All was fine until just tonight.
Thanks for any help.


I am picking up a trate and ph kit after work today. The nitrites are usually at 0, so i'm not sure why they're a little bit up right now. Right now we don't have the lights for the live rock, otherwise we would have it. The tank has about an inch or so of live sand. I wasn't aware that you were supposed to airate the water before hand. We usually put the water in a large rubbermaid bin, then mix the salt in and stir it until it is all dissolved. Will look into a heater for the tank. I have one that came with my 29 gallon tank, but i have goldfish, so i don't use it. Also have one for a five gallon tank, but since winter is coming i might need it. I believe the skimmer is a pro-twin. It appears to be working except for the fact that before the spots appeared, it was mostly bubbly, skummy stuff with uneaten food, and now a lot of it is water and a little bit of bubbles. The green chromis appears to be in the same condition as it was yesterday. I can't get a good look at the yellow tang right now as he is hiding in the cave, but i can still see some red spots on him.
Thanks for all the help


I bought a combo kit with ph, trates, trites, hardness, and ammonia...the results
pH - 7.5
Nitrates - 40
Nitrites - 3.0 (other test read .25)
hardness - 250
What should the pH be at, how do i lower/raise it and how do i lower the trates and trites.?
TIA again