Tang and dottyback help!


I have a 55 gal that has run smooth for the most part(just over 1 year in saltwater) I have 1 sailfin tang that has grown quite a bit and is peaceful most of the time but lately I wake up and things are knocked over and I see him trying to knock snails off the glass. I know it is him knocking things around because my only other fish are smaller(1 pink shrimp gobby,1coral beauty,2 percula clowns,1 small but mean dottyback. The rest are crabs,snails,starfish,and corals. Is he too big for my tank? He was one of my first fish and I would hate to get rid of him but he really seems disruptive at night. Also any advice on how to catch my dotty? He is very pretty but mean!! He sleaps in a hole in one of my live rocks, should I just take the whole rock in the middle of the night? He really limits me on what can be in my tank as he just attacks if he doesn't like them. He is only about 2-3 inches but you would never know it. It is almost a fusia color with a stripe right by his eye.


Active Member
Most "experts" recommend a 125 gallon for sailfin tangs. He could now be too big for your tank and no longer "happy". Sounds like he is stressed . JMO


Active Member
If you want anymore fish you have to get rid of the dottyback. They are one of those fish you have to add last or they may beat new tankmates to death.


The dottyback was last but now(after he took a few fish out) seems to be o.k. However given his past I would love to get him out it is just not very easy as he is fast and can dart in and out of the rocks. My tang was my first fish along with 2 clowns but he has grown about 3 times the size from when I got him. Any tricks on getting the dotty out?


Active Member
I took my tank apart to get mine. Yu could try one of those clear tubes with the trap door and some brine shrimp.