tang breathing heavy


1 powder brown
1 yellow tang
Both this morning are breathing very heavy. It could be that my girlfriend just fed them but I did increase the flow in tank yesterday. Anything to worry about. Just checked all levels and everything is perfect.


you should try doing a quick change of water how big is your tank.. thats has happend to me and i do a quick 5% of water change and they should stop breathing very heavy


Active Member
Originally Posted by jaypime
you should try doing a quick change of water how big is your tank.. thats has happend to me and i do a quick 5% of water change and they should stop breathing very heavy
This doesn't solve a problem, it basically throws something at it and hope it goes away.
First off, how long have they been in the tank? What size tank? Are these the only fish? If not, are any others acting funny?
Fish usually breathe heavier when they're suffering from acclimation shock (which can sometimes be fatal, or sometimes pass), or when there's a lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. When you increased the flow, what exactly did you do to accomplish that? Do you have a lid on your tank or is it open to the air?


I had him for like 1 year. Its a 75 gal tank. I increased flow by adding 2 koralia #1. He passed away like 2 hrs ago
all of my other fish are doing great. He was a trooper. He will be missed. I think my power heads are placed too low in tank. Not enought top water agitation. Could that be? This is the first fish in like 2yrs that I have lost. I just understand.