Tang & Butterflyfish Suggestions


I am going to be starting a 55-gallon tank with LR and LS. I would like to know what would be a good Tang and Butterflyfish to put together. I was thinking:
Auriga Butterfly fish or Copperband
Yellow Tang or Purple Tang or Kole or Regal Tang
I would also like some other fish suggestions to put in with these fish? I also will be putting 2 Percula Clowns in and a Flame Angel.


Active Member
realistically a 55 gal is kinda small for any butterfly fish, and it's kinda small for a tang too. You can do tangs in a 55 but they really don't appreciate it.
Sorry for the bad news but their are a lot of other fish that will do great in a 55 gal (pygmy angel - Clowns, Gobies, etc.


Active Member
pokdbz is this your first sw tank? If so I would listen to the advice given. Start with some easier fish. Maybe some clown fish or something.


Yes this is my first tank. I am going to start with 2 percula clowns and see how that goes. I am just planning down the road to see which fish would be a good fit for my tank.
Do you have any suggestions?


you can get tangs, but stick with "small" ones. as they grow bigger, you just have to be fair to them and trade them back to the lfs. eventually they'll outgrow your tank, but I am willing to bet, that before that happens, YOU will outgrow your tank and upgrade to a bigger tank. I have a yellow, powder blue, and blonde nasso tang in a 125.


Do you think that Dwarf angels would be good for my size tank. Also, can you put more than one of the Dwarf size fish in a 55 gallon tank?
What kind of Dwarf angels would you suggest?


Active Member
Dwarf angels need a well established tank. Wait 5-6 months before adding one to your 55. You can start off with a couple of percs, wait a couple of weeks then you add a kole or yellow tang . If everything is going well after 5-6 months then try a dwarf. You may have to take out the yellow and move in to a seperate tank for about 2 -3 weeks when you add the dwarf. This will allow the angel to establish himself so that when the tang goes back after his " time out" period all s/b well. My 2 cents. good luck.


put butterfly first..
tang will want to be a king of your tank..and show other fish who it is..


Active Member
In my humble opinion, auriga is too big for a 55. Also having a yt and BF in a 55 would just be too cramped and troublesome. The BF would probably succumb first. I would encourage you to stay away from this stocking plan. good luck.