Tang compatability


I have a 110 and presently have:
sailfin tang
koran angel
2 percs
coral beauty
I was curious about getting another tang (maybe a clown tang)
However, I have heard that mopre than one tang may not be good. Is this mainly based on body shape? If it is I believe the sailfin and clown tangs are not similar body shapes. Also would the clown be a problem with my other fish later on?
Are they reef safe?


Active Member
Yes, the rule is basically body shape; a sailfin and clown should do fine together, and they are both reef safe. The trouble might be in the tank size, though. If you already have an angel and a tang, adding another tang that might get up to 12 inches or so will be an incredible bioload - not to mention the swimming room factor. Most people recommend something around 150gal or bigger just for that one type. Hope that helps.


Sure does help.
Any suggestions as other fish similar to the tang (decent size and color)? What about a butterfly?


have you looked at a foxface? they are pretty cool! especially the magnificent foxface if you are willing to spend a little more money.


Active Member
I have 2 yellow tangs, 1 hippo, 1sailfin, 1purple tang, 2 butterflies and 19 other fish in a 240 and they get along great. Just added one of the butterflies yesterday and so far so good.
I have a 5-6 inch mag. foxface, 3-4 inch blue hippo, 3-4inch flame fin tang, 4-5inch clown tang, clownfish, cleaner warsse, and like 3 gobys in a 72g bowfront and they all eat and get along fine been have all for almost a year now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NewtoReef_tank
I have a 5-6 inch mag. foxface, 3-4 inch blue hippo, 3-4inch flame fin tang, 4-5inch clown tang, clownfish, cleaner warsse, and like 3 gobys in a 72g bowfront and they all eat and get along fine been have all for almost a year now!
Have to be honest, that sounds like trouble. Although they're doing fine now, you have to think long term. Once they get up to full size you'll have 3 12" tangs in a small environment with other fish. The bioload alone is going to be really high, not to mention the total lack of swimming room for open water swimmers. Tangs are "reef" fish in the sense that they live above or around a reef, but in the open water where they can swim. IMO you'll need to get them out of that tank before too long or they won't all remain healthy for long.