Tang compatibility question


I have a 200 Gallon reef. I was thinking about putting in a few tangs. I was thinking about a blue/hippo tang, a powder blue tang and a sail-fin tang. At one point i was told that they would be OK together being they are different body types. I also believe that a yellow tang and a sail-fin tang are the same type so they are not compatible. Can anyone help me please?
I only have two firefish and a chromis in there now.

tangs rule

Active Member
Your selection should work. I have kept same type tangs together, but it helps to start them young, have lots of room, and be ready to seperate if it does not work. Again it all depends on the individual ones you get...some tangs are just a little more aggressive than others of the same species.


Well-Known Member

I think the blue hippo and powder blue are too close in body type. Why not go for a nice angelfish? In a 200g tank you can get a really nice one.


Active Member
Similar "body types" can usually be associated with the genus of each fish. If you'll notice, every online retailer lists the scientific name of each fish. The first part of that name is the genus. Yellow tangs and Sailfin tangs usually don't work because they have 'similar body types' and are in the same genus, Zebrasoma. Powder Blue's and Achilles tangs usually don't work, because of the similar shapes, and they're both in the Acanthurus genus. And so on.
I think a Hippo and a Powder Blue would have as likely of odds working out, as any combination of 3 tangs (+ the sailfin) in a 200gal. Hippo's are borderline planktonic feeders, different then most tangs which have much more herbivore-based diets. Though depending on the dimensions of this 200gal, 3 tangs might be a bit tight. An angelfish is a great consideration though!