Tang Compatibility


Has anyone had any success keeping two species of Zebrasoma Tangs together? I currently have a Yellow Tang, and have an opportunity to possibly aquire a Gem Tang (pictured left...my icon), but they're both Zebrasoma. I had a Hippo at one point, and the Yellow was very aggressive with it when I first introduced it to my tank, even though it was a different species of Tang. Which leads me to my next question: Is there any way to safely introduce a new fish into a tank with a territorial Tang?


New Member
I have four tangs in my 200 but they are all different families. They squabble a bit here and there but are, for the most part, peaceful. I have read conflicting opinions about keeping tangs of the same species / family and personally never had the cojones to try it. If you go to this adress you'll find an article by Albert Thiel that may give you a bit more insight. Good Luck..


Thanks for the info premnusb... That was a pretty good article, and gives me plenty to think about. I'm now starting to lean towards not only not introducing another Zebrasoma... but also not introducing another Tang, period. I have a 120 gal with a lot of rock, so I'd hate for them to feel restricted whatsoever.
Thanks again!