Tang compatibility



Has anyone kept a powder blue tang with a hippo tang without conflict?


Active Member
I have kept a PBT and a Blue Hippo together for over a year til I got rid of the PBT for the simple reason I needed the room while I wait to upgrade my tank. I also had a Sailfin Scopas Clown Yellow in there at the same time in a 150 gallon tank.
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I have kept a PBT and a Blue Hippo together for over a year til I got rid of the PBT for the simple reason I needed the room while I wait to upgrade my tank. I also had a Sailfin Scopas Clown Yellow in there at the same time in a 150 gallon tank.
I'm suprised you didn't have any problems there. You got really lucky if none of those were aggressive towards each other. A clown tang needs a bigger tank that a 150g too.


I have the Powder Blue now, it's in QT. Has another 3 weeks before I put it in the DT. My plan is to either buy a Hippo Tang or a Blonde Nasso Tang to go with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I have the Powder Blue now, it's in QT. Has another 3 weeks before I put it in the DT. My plan is to either buy a Hippo Tang or a Blonde Nasso Tang to go with it.

Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer

I'm suprised you didn't have any problems there. You got really lucky if none of those were aggressive towards each other. A clown tang needs a bigger tank that a 150g too.
I know the Clown needed more room and that is why I traded him in for credit at my LFS he is now swimming in their 500 gallon reef display also gave them the Sailfin and PBT only have the Scopas and Yellow and Blue hippo.


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I know the Clown needed more room and that is why I traded him in for credit at my LFS he is now swimming in their 500 gallon reef display also gave them the Sailfin and PBT only have the Scopas and Yellow and Blue hippo.
Do your tangs do well together? I noticed you have 2 zebrasomes(scopas and yellow). I've always wanted a hippo, yellow, and purple but i'm hesitant.


Active Member
Not a hippo but, I have a PBT that has established himself for a while in my 120. I added a Purple Tang for about 3 minutes before the PBT grabbed him like a Pit Bull. I now have the Purple in a different tank and is happy as can be.


if i did try it...i probably add the purple last after i re-aquascaped and the yellow was in the Qt while the purple became situated but....i dunno


well i have had a yellow, and purple in a 36 for about one year i got the tank from a friend with the purple and i got the yellow from a friend that wanted to flush him.
well the 36 was too small i know this!
i have a 125g reef tank with a 2 hippos and a pbrown.
i had tryed to put in a pbt and the pbrown killed him after all the work i did puting the blue threw hypo and qt it only took one min and he got stabed to deth i was so mad i caught the brown and cut his barbs off i also did that to the purple and yellow.
so now i have 2 hippos, yellow, and purple and a pbrown in the 125 i also have a unicorn tang in my 40 he will be added to the 125 or i will just wait untill i set up my 235 or a biger tank i am looking for at this time i want to get a 9' by 3' by 3' tank. then i can break down my 10,36,40,75 and 125 that i am running.
so if you cut there barbs off yes i think they will not kill eachother but may be a chase around the tank but it will stop after a wille i love to watch them swim "school" as a big groop in my 125 no more fighting or slaping each other the pbrown is the ruller of them all and is the smallest.


Originally Posted by RCreations
I have the Powder Blue now, it's in QT. Has another 3 weeks before I put it in the DT. My plan is to either buy a Hippo Tang or a Blonde Nasso Tang to go with it.
It prob. would have been better puting in the blue hippo first then the pb IMO, but either way I don't think you'll have a problem unless your PB is possessed like my last one. Just stay away from powder browns, goldrims, etc. and you should be fine. Good luck!


Originally Posted by MICHAEL1972
well i have had a yellow, and purple in a 36 for about one year i got the tank from a friend with the purple and i got the yellow from a friend that wanted to flush him.
well the 36 was too small i know this!
i have a 125g reef tank with a 2 hippos and a pbrown.
i had tryed to put in a pbt and the pbrown killed him after all the work i did puting the blue threw hypo and qt it only took one min and he got stabed to deth i was so mad i caught the brown and cut his barbs off i also did that to the purple and yellow.
so now i have 2 hippos, yellow, and purple and a pbrown in the 125 i also have a unicorn tang in my 40 he will be added to the 125 or i will just wait untill i set up my 235 or a biger tank i am looking for at this time i want to get a 9' by 3' by 3' tank. then i can break down my 10,36,40,75 and 125 that i am running.
so if you cut there barbs off


WOW!!! Michael1972, if you were serious, what you did is very wrong. Instead of trying to cut up your fish, you should leave them the way they are and try to create an environment for them to thrive. That means putting fish that are compatible with each other. What's next? Pulling out the Triggers' teeth?


In my 150 gal, I have had a Yellow Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Pacific Sailfin Tang, and a Hippo Tang all together with no problems for the last 4 years. I also have a 75 gal with a Hippo Tang and a Desjardin's Sailfin Tang for the last 2 years no problem.
I see no problem keeping tangs of different colors and different body styles together in a large enough tank.


Active Member
They get along well called I feed them enough food that they do not care about each other and there is also enough food and also once a week I give them some fresh algae once a month they good POSTAL on that.


Active Member
Called I have a good supplier of saltwater algae nearby me at a good LFS he uses it in his smp and Fudge and needs to remove some once a month so I get a bag full for 5 bucks and man they tear that crap up. Normally they get rid of 1/2 lb of algae in less than 2 days.


Originally Posted by MICHAEL1972
well i have had a yellow, and purple in a 36 for about one year i got the tank from a friend with the purple and i got the yellow from a friend that wanted to flush him.
well the 36 was too small i know this!
i have a 125g reef tank with a 2 hippos and a pbrown.
i had tryed to put in a pbt and the pbrown killed him after all the work i did puting the blue threw hypo and qt it only took one min and he got stabed to deth i was so mad i caught the brown and cut his barbs off i also did that to the purple and yellow.
so now i have 2 hippos, yellow, and purple and a pbrown in the 125 i also have a unicorn tang in my 40 he will be added to the 125 or i will just wait untill i set up my 235 or a biger tank i am looking for at this time i want to get a 9' by 3' by 3' tank. then i can break down my 10,36,40,75 and 125 that i am running.
so if you cut there barbs off yes i think they will not kill eachother but may be a chase around the tank but it will stop after a wille i love to watch them swim "school" as a big groop in my 125 no more fighting or slaping each other the pbrown is the ruller of them all and is the smallest.
You make me sick.

Originally Posted by RCreations

WOW!!! Michael1972, if you were serious, what you did is very wrong. Instead of trying to cut up your fish, you should leave them the way they are and try to create an environment for them to thrive. That means putting fish that are compatible with each other. What's next? Pulling out the Triggers' teeth?
What's the next form of torture??


Active Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't the barbs grow back?
Perhaps instead of reaching for the plyers you should have reached for a book?


Originally Posted by DSBdude
Do your tangs do well together? I noticed you have 2 zebrasomes(scopas and yellow). I've always wanted a hippo, yellow, and purple but i'm hesitant.

my buddy has this exact set up and they all live fine together
my other buddy has orange shoulder, d. sailfin, blue hippo, blonde naso.


Originally Posted by WangoTango
Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't the barbs grow back?
Perhaps instead of reaching for the plyers you should have reached for a book?
No it doesnt grow back.
Acutely most of the tank raised tangs have there barbs cut off when they are small do to the breeders keep so many in small tanks.
So they come that way from the lfs some times.
I guess it is how you look at it I didn’t do any thing wrong but you may think I did.
It is no diff then people cropping dog’s ears and tails and dew claws or trimming bird’s wings so it doesn’t fly away or declawing your cat so as you read in what I posted they are in an environment that they thrive in they are not killing or chasing each other.
You can make your comments and flame me but really think about it if breeders do it and sell the fish to an lfs people are getting them like that. What I was told it is like clipping a finger nail. You may feel different about that and sorry I didn’t mean to offend you in any way but then i realy dont care!

I dont cut the scales/skin of the fish just the barb it self.