Tang compatibility


Originally Posted by MICHAEL1972
It is no diff then people cropping dog’s ears and tails and dew claws or trimming bird’s wings so it doesn’t fly away or declawing your cat What I was told it is like clipping a finger nail.
Oh o.k., because cropping dog's ears and tails, trimming bird's wings, and declawing your cat is humane right
Sorry Michael but I really don't think to many people are going to agree with what you do to your fish and I'm sure you don't care. Either way thanks for at least trying to explain yourself in the PM you sent me.


No problem
I never said it was humane or inhumane.
I never said the Fish, Corals or Live rock that we rip from a reef was humane.
In fact i will addmit that i never made live rock from arrginite sand all my rock is from some feef that someone took or riped out!!

so if we are talking about being humane then in fact when we take a fish, coral and live rock from the ocean and put it in to one of our tanks then is that humane?

I say no it is not(big picture). But i still do it becuse i want to and i sure don't need it
! Is it humane to put fish and corals from differnet Oceans mixing them ie Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Aral Sea and other salt lakes. I will say that the Most of this hobby is not humane but therer is a lot of people that still do it.
That does not make it more or less humane. The fact it is people still do it!!
The question of does the barb grow back? would it make a differance to you if it did? would it be more humane if it did for evey one.
This is something i did and will do again if it is not humane then i guess it goes with most of the things i buy or do in this hobby!! I dont rip it off i cut the barb off.


There are different levels of inhumane. We can take a tang from the ocean and put it in a 200gal tank and yea, that's inhumane because the tang would rather be in the ocean. Then again we can take the same tang and put it in a 10gal tank and that's a lot worst, right? A lot more inhumane. Or we can take a tang a rip off its natural defenses. I say that's also a lot more inhumane.
My point is we take these fish from the ocean and try to make them feel as comfortable as possible, while still leaving the fish the way they were born. In my opinion what you do with the barbs is plain wrong. You can do what you want though, it's your fish. I just think it's wrong.


Active Member
So as far as compatibility, if you add them both at the same time you should be fine. If you add one before the other, add the hippo first. Acanthurus tangs get VERY territorial, which is why adding other tangs later causes aggression. You could also add a bigger hippo at the same time to minimize risks.


Oh, back to the original topic, I decided to just stick with the Powder Blue Tang. Peanut is and will be the only tang in the tank so he gets all the attention.
My wife wants a "lipstick" tang, as she calls it. (Naso) But I'd rather just stick with what I have.


Maybe instead of cutting off the barb on your tangs you could put a little peice of cork on the sharp part like they do for tarded people when they try to use a fork.......lol