Tang compatibility


I currently have 2 tangs, A 5 inch yellow, its been in the tank for about a year and 3.5 inch hippo in the tank for about 4 months.
Other fish are:
2 false percula clowns
2 green chromis
1 sixline wrasse
1 coral beauty angelfish
1 pajama cardinal
1 pink & blue spot shrimgoby
1 royal dottyback
toadstool leather
I want to add a sailfin tang. It will be smaller than the other tangs. Will they all get along or will I have problems?
This will absolutely be my last fish. If they will not get along i was also interested in a copperband butteryfly. Would this work? If not please give me any suggestions of what would.
BTW it is a 125gallon with 40gallon sump/fuge, 2x250 watt MH


Active Member
Originally Posted by edat
I currently have 2 tangs, A 5 inch yellow, its been in the tank for about a year and 3.5 inch hippo in the tank for about 4 months.
Other fish are:
2 false percula clowns
2 green chromis
1 sixline wrasse
1 coral beauty angelfish
1 pajama cardinal
1 pink & blue spot shrimgoby
1 royal dottyback
toadstool leather
I want to add a sailfin tang. It will be smaller than the other tangs. Will they all get along or will I have problems?
This will absolutely be my last fish. If they will not get along i was also interested in a copperband butteryfly. Would this work? If not please give me any suggestions of what would.
BTW it is a 125gallon with 40gallon sump/fuge, 2x250 watt MH
Personally....I think it could work. The sailfin gets big and so does the hippo, so they may be a bit cramped later on.
But they should all get along. There will probably be some aggression towards the sailfin when it's first added. All tangs are quite territorial!!
The copperband is a known coral eater.


Thanks for the quick response.

Ive heard that the copperband is a hit miss with corals also.
So far looks like I will be getting the salfin.... although I'm gonna see if anybody else chimes in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by edat
Thanks for the quick response.

Ive heard that the copperband is a hit miss with corals also.
So far looks like I will be getting the salfin.... although I'm gonna see if anybody else chimes in.
I have seen copperbands in reef tanks....I just have SPS that I don't want to chance

You will love the sailfin....it was my first fish and they are full of personality and eat like pigs!!


Personally, I wouldn't add the sailfin to a 125 with the other tangs (especially the yellow). Mine can be somewhat of an a-hole at times. Plus, it will outgrow a 125 in time.


thoguth the rule of thumb was to not mix tnags of the same shape. of course you have a pretty good sized tank. so you might get away with it if you have plenty of hiding places


Active Member
Here are the odds
65% no -- 35% temporary success.
Given your Yellow Tang's size and time established, I think he's pretty unwilling to except newcomers. However I've seen 7 tangs in a 170gal (a 7-foot 125gal) work. Though, I agree with RoastReef, a 125 is decent sized, for a Hippo Tang and a Sailfin, it's more of a temporary home.


Active Member
I'd say 50/50.
If you do have a back up plan in case things don't go your way.
You also may disrupt your very nice and peaceful tank.
I do however LOVE the sailfin tangs -- I lost mine due to some toxin on my hands during a water change (I think). He was beautiful and makes me want to get another if I find a healthy specimen to buy again.


So it looks like I'm not going to get the sailfin... I don't want to chance adding it and stressing it or the other tangs out.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what my last fish should be.


Active Member
Funny, I just saw a post on c-list with 5 tangs in a 125 and they seem to co-exist -- including the 3 you're naming.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by edat
So it looks like I'm not going to get the sailfin... I don't want to chance adding it and stressing it or the other tangs out.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what my last fish should be.

A blenny...entertaining and usually a good community fish. Midas Blenny would be my choice.


Originally Posted by edat
So it looks like I'm not going to get the sailfin... I don't want to chance adding it and stressing it or the other tangs out.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what my last fish should be.

I also don't think it would be a good idea, glad to see you decided against it.
As for other fish, have you considered:
2 more PJ Cardinals to add to your one
3 or 4 Anthias (depends on the type - I love my 3 female Maldives Lyretails)
a smaller tang such as a Kole, Tomini or Convict
3 or so Firefish (better if you have a covered tank)
Flasher or Fairy wrasse of some sort
You could even try another dwarf angel such as the Flame. It may fight w/ the CB at first, but should be fine


I don't think I will chance getting another angel, I've always heard they will fight.
I already have a sixline wrasse I did not know they could be mixed.
If I were to add multiple fish like the anthias, cardinals or firefish would that overstock my tank?
So a smaller tang would do alright?
I will look into the other suggestions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by edat
I don't think I will chance getting another angel, I've always heard they will fight.
I already have a sixline wrasse I did not know they could be mixed.
If I were to add multiple fish like the anthias, cardinals or firefish would that overstock my tank?
So a smaller tang would do alright?
I will look into the other suggestions.
Hey....my neighbor has 8 angels in one tank!!


Originally Posted by edat
I don't think I will chance getting another angel, I've always heard they will fight.
I already have a sixline wrasse I did not know they could be mixed.
If I were to add multiple fish like the anthias, cardinals or firefish would that overstock my tank?
So a smaller tang would do alright?
I will look into the other suggestions.
mine fought for less than a week, established dominance and have been fine ever since.
Smaller fish would not overstock.
Sixlines shouldn't bother other wrasses.
A smaller tang would be okay, but you would get less bio load from 2-3 little fish.
For an idea, here's my fish stocklist in a 155:
2 Ocellaris clownfish
2 Yellow watchman gobies
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel
1 black combtooth blenny
1 sailfin tang
1 blonde naso tang (will outgrow tank)
1 green spotted mandarin
1 red mandarin
3 Maldives Lyretail anthias - females
3 PJ cardinalfish
No aggression issues, but it is clear that the sailfin and coral beauty are top dogs.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
For an idea, here's my fish stocklist in a 155:
2 Ocellaris clownfish
2 Yellow watchman gobies
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel
1 black combtooth blenny
1 sailfin tang
1 blonde naso tang (will outgrow tank)
1 green spotted mandarin
1 red mandarin
3 Maldives Lyretail anthias - females
3 PJ cardinalfish
No aggression issues, but it is clear that the sailfin and coral beauty are top dogs.
I like your stocklist, I might go pick up a couple more pajama cardinals and look for some anthias I have not seen any in any of my LFS.
Was leaning toward one more "big" fish but a few smaller ones will definitely bring more color and "fill out" the tank. Would 5 more smaller fish overstock the tank?


Originally Posted by edat
I like your stocklist, I might go pick up a couple more pajama cardinals and look for some anthias I have not seen any in any of my LFS.
Was leaning toward one more "big" fish but a few smaller ones will definitely bring more color and "fill out" the tank. Would 5 more smaller fish overstock the tank?
I don't think so. I think you could do the anthias and the cardinals.


Well after checking 4 stores today I could only find one PJ cardinal and no anthias. I did find a Kole Tang but it was way larger than anything else in the tank. I will have to see if i can find a smaller one later.
I think I might get one more PJ, 2-3 anthias or a Kole and I will be done.


I realize you have made a decision but we had 4 tangs in a 180 for over 10 years without any problem. We had a yellow, hippo, sailfin, and kole. They died because a farmer hit a pole and knocked out the power for a week.
We did add the yellow and the sailfin at the same time however. You would probably need to rearrange your rocks if you do decide to add another tang. I loved the sailfin! He was full of personality and beautiful. I am hoping to get a Desjardini Sailfin in a few months. It will be the first one we have had. Post a picture of your tank if you can, I just set up a 120 and am trying to get some ideas. I like your stock list.