Originally Posted by mproctor4
I realize you have made a decision but we had 4 tangs in a 180 for over 10 years without any problem. We had a yellow, hippo, sailfin, and kole. They died because a farmer hit a pole and knocked out the power for a week.
We did add the yellow and the sailfin at the same time however. You would probably need to rearrange your rocks if you do decide to add another tang. I loved the sailfin! He was full of personality and beautiful. I am hoping to get a Desjardini Sailfin in a few months. It will be the first one we have had. Post a picture of your tank if you can, I just set up a 120 and am trying to get some ideas. I like your stock list.
those 60 gallons are huge for adding tangs. The length of the tank increases, and that's what they need.
I realize you have made a decision but we had 4 tangs in a 180 for over 10 years without any problem. We had a yellow, hippo, sailfin, and kole. They died because a farmer hit a pole and knocked out the power for a week.

those 60 gallons are huge for adding tangs. The length of the tank increases, and that's what they need.