Tang Compatibility


New Member
Was wondering if a Regal Tang an an Atlantic Blue Tang would be compatible together.
The only difference in the species name that I can tell is that the Regal is a Parancathurus and the AB is just Ancathurus and they do have different body shapes.


New Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
I think it would work.
I thought it would too. I did the research before hand like I always do, but the AB is constantly chasing the hippo and she hasn't come out of her cave in over 12 hours. I'm not sure what to do about this or just wait and see if things work out. I hate to have stressing!

noah's nemo

Well since the update,you can't get old threads.Anyway,place a small mirror(5x5 inches or so) in you tank corner and the tang should be more interested in its own reflection,thinking its another one of him in there.This should distract him so the other tang will be able to cruise the tank.I have heard it works great,and eventually you can take the mirror out..good luck
wait, do you have 3 tangs now or 2??


New Member
I no longer have the Naso.
I just got home and everyone is swimming happily in the tank

Looks like this issue has resolved itself. Thanks for all of the replies everyone!