Tang compatibility


New Member
I currently have 5 clowns, 2 blue damsels and 1 blue hippo tang. Any suggestions as to what type of fish I should add with these? Can I had a Blond Naso Tang and a Powder Brown Tang together?
I was possibly thinking about adding a Royal Grama, Lawnmower blenny, Powder Brown Tang, Blond Naso Tang, Coral Beauty Angel, Domino Damsel and possible a Butterfly. Does this sound like a good combo. And should they be added at the same time?
Thanks for any suggestions.


Active Member
For what it is worth, here is my .02 :)
I would not advise keeping more than 2 clowns. Two of them will probably pair up and when they do, they will kill off the rest. Being that you have a large tank (as far as clowns are concerned) you could maybe get away with two pair.
I would not advise adding another tang. A blue hippo will get quite large and need that available space to itself. A naso can grow to be 18" (if you can get it to eat). Imagine a fish the size of your computer keyboard. They need to have ample room to stay out of each other's way, or they will become aggressive. I don't think you'd have enough space in a 120g.
Read the fish of the week thread on the butterfly by jwtrojan in this forum before considering one. They are a sensitive fish.
Tangs, angels and butterflies all require a mature tank with ample amounts of LR. I assume by your other posts that you have a relatively new tank. I would give it at least 6 mo. before adding any more of these types of fish.
Also, I strongly advise you to consider setting up a quarantine tank for all new additions, and only add one at a time.

mr. tuna

Active Member
you can keep a pair of fire fish gobies, and if your tank is big enough for a bicolor angel, get one of those.
* if you are getting an angel, you should not put another angel in together with it in the same tank.


I have a naso and he eats extremely well. I also have a sailfin, orange shoulder, and a scopas. They all eat very well.