Tang Decision


I'm planning on adding a second tang to my 75 gallon f/o set up. I run a fluval 303 canister for filtration along with a protein skimmer and a powerhead for extra circualtion. I currently have a coral beauty, a juvenile orange-shoulder tang, and a small picasso triggerfish. Please do not tell me that mixing tangs cannot and should not be done because both my father and uncle have kept mulitple tangs together for many years. Right now my dad has an orangeshoulder, a yellow, and a naso all together in a 75 and he has no problems and neither does my uncle who has 2 hippos, a yellow, a sohal, a sailfin, and soon to be a powder blue. My decision comes down to either a blue hippo tang (perhaps a pair of small ones) or a naso tang. What's everyone's opinion? Thanx for help, I really appreciate it.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Naso tangs are a stunning specimen and very unique. Hippoes are yellow and blue like over half of all saltwater fish it seems. Go for the naso.


I say do it. Hope it isn't a big specimen, most tangs need atleast a 6 foot tank. I just added a powder blue to my resident yellow tang in a 200 gal. They had a sizing up contest for the first day, but now they are best buds! Hope everything goes well, good luck! ;)

tru conch

Active Member
i had a yellow with a hippo. they both got along fine. it depends on what coloration you want, b/c really both of those tangs, the naso and hippo are pretty docile. but the naso do get rather large though.


I have a yellow tang and a hippo tang in a 39 gallon tank with plenty of coral / caves so the tangs get along just fine as long as they each have their "territory". Have not seen them so much as chase after each other.


I had a Yellow and Atlantic in a 45 gal tank. They were good friends too. I had no problems at all.

mike j

personally, I like the yellow tang in your situation but would take the Hippo over the Naso due simply to size limitations.


i personally love the kole tangs they are a beautiful fish and highly underrated and one of the hardier tangs, i also like the convict tangs.


New Member
With all of the swimming room tangs need to stay happy, I personally wouldn't put two of them in a 75g. If you have to though, I would have to go with a kole tang. I have one in my 75g and he's just awesome!