I'm planning on adding a second tang to my 75 gallon f/o set up. I run a fluval 303 canister for filtration along with a protein skimmer and a powerhead for extra circualtion. I currently have a coral beauty, a juvenile orange-shoulder tang, and a small picasso triggerfish. Please do not tell me that mixing tangs cannot and should not be done because both my father and uncle have kept mulitple tangs together for many years. Right now my dad has an orangeshoulder, a yellow, and a naso all together in a 75 and he has no problems and neither does my uncle who has 2 hippos, a yellow, a sohal, a sailfin, and soon to be a powder blue. My decision comes down to either a blue hippo tang (perhaps a pair of small ones) or a naso tang. What's everyone's opinion? Thanx for help, I really appreciate it.