Tang..External Parasite?



Well, can't figure out how to get the picture to show on the page, but I'm pretty sure the links work. A little hard to catch him with my old camera. He sure is a fast little bugger.
Here is my story, went to the lfs the other day, was looking to add a tang to my tank(90aga), they just got three in, and weren't even out of the bag yet. I thought to myself, well, I don't want to cause any undue stress on the fish, why not take him home in the wholesalers bag, and put him in QT. So I looked over all three well. At least I thought so, When I got him home and in the tank, I noticed this bump on his top fin. I hope it is visible in the pictures. These are three out of about 50 shots.
his color is extremely good, I don't see any discolorations at all. A beautiful shiny yellow. His fins aren't torn. His behavior is extraordinarily good. Not to shy, or nervous. The first thing he did when he got into the tank was grab some garlic soaked nori. This made me smile, because he was looking a tad thin, but I've seen pinched stomachs, and his wasn't too bad. Now he's eating like a pig.
Problem is I'm not sure what this bump is on his fin? External parasite or something? I can't tell, he moves so fast, and never sits completely still.
My QT tank parameters are perfectly in line. I maintain this tank as I do my display. My only mistake is I put extra rock in there that I had, and if I have to catch him...it might be an all nighter.
If there are questions you need to ask to help me, please feel free to ask. I will reply promptly.
QT 29 gal
1/2 Florida CC, 1/2 CaribSea Aragonite
30 lbs or so of Tonga and Fiji
79 deg
Sg: 1.025
Amm: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5-10
Kh: 9.3
Cal: 360
Tank mates: A couple of snails, conch, and some extra Chaeto I have.
Appreciate any help,
Edit: Wanted to add the bump or whatever it is, is the same color as a tooth. Off whitish, maybe a tooth that is a little coffee stained..smile.


Staff member
Hey, Neil. That is a really nice looking tang. It does look like it may be a sigle parasite, though it is very hard to tell from the pic.
By tankmates, do you mean that you have those animals in the QT?? Hopefully, all you have in the QT is the tang.
At this point, I would recommend hypsalinity. If that does not take care of it, then a formalin bathe using the procedure in the FAQ Thread.


thanks for the reply, was beginning to wonder if I was going to get one...smile.
Uh...yes, I have those in the QT. Will chalk that up to newb mistake, I've only been doing this for 7 months. Smile. I guess I could take them out, as well as my extra live rock, and set up another tank in one of my 32 gal brute cans for awhile so I can treat this tang. If this is wrong, don't hesitate to tell me so.
do apologize for the pic quality, but with my camera, that is as good as it gets.
Appreciate the help!


Staff member
Inverts and LR will not survive hyposalinity, so you do need to find another home for that. Actually, these items should not really be in the QT. You can leave the LR if you want to, as a bio filter, but any worm, etc., living in the LR will not liikely survive hypo. A;so, you will not want to add that LR to your display. The inverts can go to your display, however.
Check out the procedure in the FAQ Thread. Also, read the post on refractometer. Hopefully, the hypo will rid the tang of this parasite. If not, we will have to move on to actual medication treatment. But, I would recommend going with the hyposalinity first.


Added the inverts to the display, and put the rock into a tub for now with a power filter and powerhead. I got a good look at this thing this morning because it actually has gotten a tad bigger over the last three days. I tried looking it up on several sites before I asked for an opinion here. I know you're knowledgable and could help. Although, my first description might have not been accurate, this bump looks a heck of a lot like some lymphocystis pictures I've seen on the web. It does have a cauliflower like surface. I can see it better since it's a little larger.
I've got the tank ready, what should I do?
Neil :nervous:


Staff member
Neil, I appreciate the vote of confidence but online assistance is often just an educated guess.
Lymphocystis is usually health and environment realated, meaning that if fish health and tank envirnoment improves so does the disease. Also, while it is not impossible for a just a single spot to appear with Lymph, you usually see several. Have you gotten a look at it with a magnifying glass? How is the fish doing?
Go ahead and do the formalin bathe as detailed in the FAQ Thread. It could be just a single parasite.


Online assistance might be an educated guess, but where would alot of us be without it? I've read these forums for the last year or so, I've seen all of the people you've helped, some couldn't receive help, others didn't respond back etc., but what I see overall is a person who spends a great amount of time "trying to help" others with problems. Possibly a tireless effort that will not go without thanks from this individual, I sincerely do appreciate it.
It all boils down to this, the fish is a pig. I've never seen a tang with a weight problem, and I believe he will have one if he continues. I actually believe he's giving me attitude when the nori's gone...As if to say, fill it up buster...or else. The cruising back and forth at the clip popping his fins out is the biggest clue, or he's trying to intimidate the clip... :D
As far as the magnifying glass, it scares the begeezus out of him and he runs. I tried a half dozen times, but don't want to stress him yet.
Will go ahead with the formalin bath tomorrow(have to pick some up), and see how it goes.