tang food help!


i have a naso tang and have run out of seaweed to feed it, is it posabble to feed it green's(thin sliced cucumbers, lettuce etc.)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
i have a naso tang and have run out of seaweed to feed it, is it posabble to feed it green's(thin sliced cucumbers, lettuce etc.)?
Romaine lettuce was used for years; before other stuff was available. Many public aquariums; and I'll bet more hobbiests than admit it, use tons of it. Either blanch it a few sec, or freeze it for about 1/2 hr to soften it. I still use romaine regularly, along with nori, seaweed selects, and spirulina based pellets.


I vote for Romain Lettuce. I always keep a piece in my tank. I have Naso, Hippos and Yellows. they all pick at it.... Dont water your money on Nori as long as they are eating other foods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
where would i find romain lettuce?
Any decent grocery store. Its just another type of salad greens, avoid iceberg lettuce,you'll find the fresh spinach mentioned above there also. (Feels like a "Hints from Heloise column!)


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Seaweed is nutritionally the best choice. You can order more.
I agree. Romain is used at lfs's and distributors because it is cheap. Fish have a hard time digesting it. A good rule of thumb is, if it isn't found in the ocean then don't use it


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I agree. Romain is used at lfs's and distributors because it is cheap. Fish have a hard time digesting it. A good rule of thumb is, if it isn't found in the ocean then don't use it
I agree; but when I'm out, can't wait for mail, live 2hrs from a source--I'll use romaine in a pinch. It served us very well before all the algae products were available.


Active Member
I suspect the better survival rates in captivity today over 10-20 years ago has a lot to do with diet. We now have much more natural foods to feed our tanks.


I have heard that if your store carries oriental type foods, in the section where you would get stuff to make sushi rolls, that the seaweed they wrap around the sushi rice stuff is the same thing (only human grade) (sorry, I live in California, but am obviously not a sushi lover!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I suspect the better survival rates in captivity today over 10-20 years ago has a lot to do with diet. We now have much more natural foods to feed our tanks.
I agree; Forums like this, better capture & handling techniques, faster and better transport, and much less cyanide help a lot too. I would never suggest romaine as a staple, but a leaf or two in a pinch is OK, IMO; just like the OCCASIONAL live feeder for lions.