tang food?


I have a few tangs in my tank and i need to know what to feed them. I have been just giving them romana lettues and brim but the lfs sucks here and i need info on what to feed my tangs.
I have a powder blue,hippo,3yellow tangs


Active Member
A lot of people feed tangs Nori, Seaweed Salad, and Seaweed Selects, Formula Two pellets, and other things. The main thing is to get a veggie (Spirulina, algae) based food, and vary their diet.
Where in NM are you from?


seaweed (nori) should be the main food. frozen formula 2 is good. newlife spectrum pellets are good. They also make some good green saltwater flake food. I would soak the seaweed in selcon once or twice a week to keep their color bright.
would not feed regular grocery greens because they don't have the proper nutrition for SW fish.


so with all the stuff you recommend for the tangs will this over feed the tank or will everybody in the tank eat it to.I dont mean like to feed all that at once but i dont want to much food.


I found some type2 pellets and they wont eat it is it something they pick at?
Sorry for all the questions but I want the best for my tank.


Active Member
Although the staple in a tangs diet is usually some form of algae, don't forget that tangs do in the wild feed on other things as well. But as said above a variety is the key. Personally I would feed much of what others said above, nori, forumula 2, etc but also vary in some mysis shrimp or something similar.


also tw0 of my tangs arent eating they did a few days ago but now they dont even pick at the alge.one of them is alot smaller then the others and the biger one of hte three is all white in the face.


Active Member
the white stuff looks like HLLE (head and Lateral Line Erosion) This is usualy caused by malnutrition and or poor water quality. My guyss would be the malnutrition since you have been feeding them veggie greens. I suggest you get the foods listed above by other people if you havent already, and dropping some fish vitamin suppliments in the water wouldnt hurt either. But just incase its both, what are your perametors? What type of water are you using? Tap water? R/O water? D/I water?
by the way, that is a HUGE tank!!


yea thats what i thought.the one tang that has the white come out of my 65gal.Im trying to get him back to looking like a real tang.all my tests on the water are all good and i use tap water the bad thing with the tapwater is its full of phosphates.