tang food


can you just throw in some lettuce (after washing it or course) in to the tank and feed it to a tang? or is taht a no, no:nope: :nope:

who dey

Active Member
won't hurt, but that can't be her only diet. seaweed sheets are better. they need a diet of 40% meat and 60%veg. My tangs back in the day ate omega one super veggie kelp flakes. and i clipped the seaweed to the glass with the nemo clip.
nice avatar!!:yes:


Hey WHO DEY! Thanks its a cool aviator.
so i should like clip seeweed sheets on there every other day and then feed them a mix of mystis, brine shrimp and blood worms the other days?


Active Member
you can buy dried seaweed at the grocery store for really cheap. Also you can mix you frozen food with some finely minced Garlic to give the fish a little boost