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I wasn't saying that tangs are tank bred. Sorry if it sounded that way. I was just piggy backing on my belief that buying juvis is a good idea. I hate to disagree with as knowledgeable of a hobbyist as AquaK, but from everything I have read juvis (that do survive) make the best aquarium inhabitants. I do agree, however, that a large number don't survive. I have not read anything suggesting this is due to inability to acclimate. Everything I have read has stated that the reason for the low survival rate is simply that they are more delicate as juvis.
I still think you might be shocked at some of the deals you might find on your local reef club. I've seen tanks large enough for a tang sold on my reef club forum for the same price I've seen some tangs sell for. The reason you will only find these awesome deals on your reef club forum is because people are looking for someone local.
Juvi's in general, I fully agree, they make the best inhabits for a tank. I was gearing that response for the "super-tiny" Hippo's I've seen in the stores. The ones from .5" to about 1.5." I took it as those were the ones Cedar was more so referring to? IMO/E, there really shouldn't be a difference in a 1" tang or a 2.5" tang, as far as eventually being 'good fish' in an aquarium. However there will be a big difference in the adjustment period that tiny tang takes, or the 3", which will out and about in a day or two.
The delicate issue is also something to point out. Many tiny juvi's also don't take to prepared foods very well, leaving them to only eat what they pick off the rocks. And you need a fair amount of rocks for them to pick at, trying to force them into too small of a tank, without enough rocks, is other reason to stay clear.