I have a 300g tank and im thinking tangs. I was wondering if i could put these fish in it.
Unicorn Tang
Vlemingii Tang
Scopus Tang
Sixbar Angel
Pearl Scale Butterfly
the main problem is i know tangs fight so im concerned with the trio. Please help thanks
Although you have a large tank to accomodiate there will a possibility they will be nipping at each other all the time. The reason being they are very terrotial which if they think they one or more tangs want to dominate they will fight and bite each other. We had 3 yellow medium size 1 large yellow and 1 scopa just to let you know we only now have 1 yellow medium and the scopa tang. Unfortunatelly the large got a sickness and died on us. Just f.y.i purposes think before you buy that many tangs.
You may have a problem with the Unicorn & Vlamingi Tang, they are both in the Naso family. They both get large, you may have stress issues with these two. I have a 300g and IMO would not add both of these tangs.
Hmm, i dont know what to make of that yellow tang story, i know of many people who have many yellow tangs in their tanks. As for in the naso family, i know that they are closely related but does any one think it is at all posible?
I got my yellow tang at *****...
yes *****, good deal and very healthy specimens.
well anyway.... they had 3 yellow tangs in one tank...
they get nipping at each other..
i guess the store had the lights turned off for that tank because they thought theyd stop?
but yeah tangs do fight.