tang help


You're going to be told two things on your post. 1.) Your tank it way to small for any kind of tang and 2.) If you have to have one you'll need to get ride of it once it starts growing into adult size. But, the Yellow Tang will be the smallest as an adult I think 8in. but the others that I like are the Blue grows to 12in. the Naso 18in. and the Powder Blue 9in. it's more about the room that they need to swim. Tangs love the open water where they have alot of room to swim...just my 2cents.


Active Member
Unless you don't have too much rock work and if its fish only tank yeah it would be okay but at some point these guys get so big you need a bigger tank.

flame hawk

a small tang will be ok for a peroid of time however it will out grow tank a purple tang is a nice fish just rember to add them last


Kole tangs only grow to 7" and are fine for a 75. Not everyone is a fan of them as they aren't very colourful. i happen to think that they are great and I plan on putting one in my 150.