Just my luck I thought I was going to get a great profile pic of the fish and as I’m focusing on the fish he extends his dorsal and pectoral fins as to say “oh a camera“.
As I press the button he turns brown and my camera doesn’t work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did how ever get a good visual of him and his color pattern.
He is a grayish blue almost gun metal grey with blue lips and…….. What……… duh…… the last bottom pic is him. Sorry I had dooot ta dooo moment :hilarious (Carlos mencia)
Any way I hate this camera, stupid Olympus.
This fish is just a fat cat of a fish. For a baby he has already figured out when the clips gets pulled nori strips are coming and swims back and forth the glass. When the cans of formula get waved by the tank he goes up to the surface, when the turkey baster waves by he goes low and hides in the rocks and waits to see what corals are getting some mix. This is a really smart fish.
If anything I want to try and get a pic of his eyes, they just are so dominate and you can’t help but look at them, they automatically draw your attention.
Originally Posted by
Don't forget... YOU aren't the only one reading these posts. Maybe Dogstar et. al. were gently reminding you AND other readers about research.
Maybe so.
I did how ever state that I needed help on the Id. Never once did I say what kind of fish is this and how do I care for him.
If I did or anyone else say that then yeah sure hang your head and take your verbal lashings.
I am just as guilty at time along with halve the other members who forget what its like to just be getting starting and not knowing the right ways and only go by what the LFS tell us.
When a new keeper gets on here and states something that we all know is wrong, we have a tendency to blast them clean off the forum and add insult to injury.
Instead of pointing them in the right direction and extending a helping hand.
Its only natural after we fail a few time and get fed up and start to research the life style and habitation of the co-inhabitants do we learn that what the LFS told us was a ploy to spend the money on “X” and figure it out later.
Why? Because they know that if someone buys “X” and have no clue they will come back for help and most likely spend more money on maybe another fish or maybe sucker them into certain products I.e. test kits, food to help care for “X”
Its an old ploy a lot LFS owners do. When I worked in a LFS I was taught that.