Tang ID


I bought a tang about 6 months ago that was labeled as a Bristletooth Tang. On a local forum someone brought up that they thought it looked like something different. I've gotten a couple suggestions as to what it is but figured I see if anyone here had some input.
I couldn't manage to get a decent shot without the flash but here is one with the flash. The colors are a little off in the picture. It's more of a gray color instead of the brownish color in the pic and the tail is a little lighter. The tail also has a black band that runs up and down the back of the tail that you can't see in the picture. The top and bottom fins both have a hint of yellow on the back tips too that you can kinda make out in the picture.

Another pic without flash that shows the body color better.


Originally Posted by Wolf_Man
Kole Tang, I got one too.
I'm not sure it's a kole. The kole (Ctenochaetus strigosus) looks a bit different. The coloration is similar to a tomini (bristle tooth tang like the kole is) but its body is more rounded looking than the tomini and the color is not quite the same. Thanks for the input.
Originally Posted by Wolf_Man

Holy crap, nice tank. Any FTS(FUll Tank Shots)?
Thanks. Here's one from December (most of the tank anyway). I fragged the colt yesterday, so about 1/3 of it is gone and moved a few things around since this shot.


That one looks close but the tail is different. My local forum is saying a Bariene and that looks about right. If it is I got an amazing deal at $23.99.