Tang Idenity


Active Member
If that is what he is then how long does it take for them to grow? I have had him since November and he has not gown hardly at all. The face is shaped a little differntly. But I guess time will tell.


Active Member
That is a cool fist. I wish he had the yellow on his tail. Do fish mate like dogs, maybe he is a cross breed?


I can confirm it tonight but I am 99% sure that's what it is. I have seen them in public aquariums at appx two feet in length. Very similar in size and shape to a Dussimieri.


IMO it looks more like a pyroferus than a xanthopterus. I would say that we are in the right genus at least.


i'm not saying it is one, i'm just suggesting that it is very similar. I think they stay small(8-9 inches). The lfs that i got it from wouldn't be putting it in all of the tanks that they maintain if they get that big. Maybe they would but it doesn't makes sense.


This thread has been driving me crazy! I have been staring at the picture too long! So I ran and grabbed the book "Surgeonfishes, Rabbitfishes and their Relatives" by Rudie H. Kuiter and Helmut Debeliuis.
That fish is definitely an Acanthurus Xanthopterus. Yellowfin. Grows big. But a really cool looking fish as they mature.


Active Member
Here is a better picture of the little guy. He is about 4 inches right now. I have had him since Noverber 01.


I did further research on this 'cause with all the conflicting opinions I began to think maybe I was wrong. See the faint white line on the base of the dorsal fin, the yellow pectoral fins, the faint white bar on the base of the tail fin and the blue around the caudal (sp?) peduncle, and the faint yellow on the face between the eyes.
Definitely a yellow fin or yellowmask. Acanthurus xanthopterus. This fish will turn into a striking adult fish. How big is your tank? The Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, WA has 3 large adults. They constantly school together and are awesome in appearance.


DPittman- I don't know if you are right or wrong because i dont' know if I have a clue either. Here is another site that has some pics of tangs and well the juvenile that they have listed of the yellow fin doesn't look like the fish in question, although they do have question marks behind it, which confuses me even more. Here is the site: http://www.reefimages.com/Surgeons/Surgeons1.htm
I'm thinking that it may be from the genus Ctenochaetus
one other site that talks about these fish is:
My point is that I don't know!!! It has been fun trying to find this damn thing on line since I'm limited with books.
dockery07 - since you have a larger tank you should just keep him until he actually does outgrow it. I mean if we are all wrong about it what is it going to hurt to keep it.


Active Member
i am going to keep him until he gets too big, because he is so cool and doing so well.
How long does it take a fish to "grow up"?


When I first saw the pic I thought it was a Ctenochaetus as well. Thanks for the websites.
That picture of the juveniles with the question marks is actually Acanthurus mata, the Pale Surgeon. VERY similar to the Yellowmask and grows to about the same size. You can tell the juveniles by the black edging all around the fins, the distinctive horizontal lined pattern and the all black peduncular spine.
If you are a tang fan get that book I referred to earlier - lots of good color pics and juvenile pics as well - I'm sticking with my guess!