Tang in a 70 gallon reef?


Most will say no. You may be able to keep it while it is small, but not for the long haul. Others will say it will be fine. So use your best judgement, for the life of the fish.


i think its own your own opinion. I asked around about a yellow tang in a 65g reef. Most say no to but i have seen multiple multiple tanks with yellow tangs in the 50 to 65 gallon range while having then for years without problem. So you know what i took the plunge and got one for my tank. It is about 2'' right now and will grow bigger. I am going to keep an eye on it and see what happens if it gets to big then I will find it a better home but so far so good. Most of the time is swimming in and out of the caves i have set up in my rockwork and seems to be having fun and not feeling cramped at all.


Active Member
I have a blue tang that is about a half an inch in my 20 g right now. i knwo that sounds crazy, and I get the weirdest looks from people when I tell them I have a blue tang in my 20, but it's only semi-temporary and he's doing great right now. Once they get beyond about 5 inches I think they definetly need to go into a 75 and then a 125 soon after that.


isn't a 70 gal. 3 foot long. that is ridiculous for a tang.


Active Member
I think you can pull it off in a 90. For the first couple years at least. Blue's get VERY big while yellows not as big. Naso's you could do also in a 90 I think. Most say that 125 g is ideal though.


Active Member
The only tangs I would even think about doing in a 90 are zebrasomas (yellows, purple, scopoas, sailfin). A naso will not fare well at all in a 90.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I think you can pull it off in a 90. For the first couple years at least. Blue's get VERY big while yellows not as big. Naso's you could do also in a 90 I think. Most say that 125 g is ideal though.
How about a purple in a 70 or 90 gallon.


First let me say that I have only been into saltwater for 4 months. Before that I was into freshwater for 5-6 years. I bought a complete 58 reef on an auction site. It came with a salifin tang, in addition to other live stock. I put everything into a 75 and he has been doing fine. I have plans to get a 300+ in the future.


What if I kept a 2'' yellow tang in my 70 gallon reef and watch it when it gets bigger and if if it looks and acts streesed I will get rid of it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by firefish9
What if I kept a 2'' yellow tang in my 70 gallon reef and watch it when it gets bigger and if if it looks and acts streesed I will get rid of it?

Ask the Tang....