Tang insanity??


My sailfin tang has been acting crazy for the past couple of days. He darts back and forth and sometimes a bit sideways. He cant seem to stay still. Should I be worried or is this somewhat normal behavior from time to time?? He has done it before , but not for such an extended time.


Check for electricity in the tank from a bad powerhead or heater. Tangs are real sensitive to stray electrical currents in the water.


tank is 90 gallons. I have a grounding probe, but its in the sump. I have two pumps in there. I do have a powerhead in the tank though. Would the probe have any effect on stray electricity from the one in the tank??


If it's electricity in the water, you'll see it soon with the HLLE that will rather quickly develop. However, the darting around the tank like a crackhead thing is pretty normal for a tang :D Especially the sailfin...they're jumpy. (they don't stress out as badly as most tangs do, but they're a bit crazy lol) That's why they need such big tanks (135 or so since they get 16" long. Sorry, had to nag, I'm a tangs' rights' activist :D )


If he keeps acting like that for a majority of the time you may consider taking him out for a quick freshwater bath. Sometimes the fish can be covered with parasites that only become apparent after dropped in the bath. I saw this fist hand at an lfs with a achilles tang that was acting weird with no apparent problems. about 20 seconds after the guy dropped him in a fresh water bath the little

turned white so you could see them and started falling off.
Tangs do occasionally get a bee up their butt and go hyper active for a day or so but if it continues... might try the bath.



Originally posted by FishFanNY79
So Mary...you probably wouldn't want to know that I have a Tang in a 10 gallon?
:D just kidding :D

You wouldn't believe how many people aren't kidding ;)