Tang loves shrimp.


Active Member
I bought a Yellow tang to eat any hair algae I was growing in my tank. I think I broke rules and put him in a 2 month old tank. However - he looks good so far, and eats like a pig - shrimp only, brine and misis (sp?). I notice all my hair algae all gone too. Not there was much. but its gone. What else can I feed him? He won't eat flakes.


Try algae sheets soaked in either zoe or garlic. My foxface will eat anything, including the frozen brine I soak in zoe for my omni/carni's in the tank, but I read it is not good for them in long run, try to get him off the meaty treats. Zuchini, lettuce slice, algae sheets, spirulina . . .What else should he feed his tang guys?
Good luck with your tang!


Active Member
Macro algaes. Caulerpa. Check your live store they should get some in every now and again if they don't grow it themselves. There are plenty of other people who grow it too if you look around some for it.


Active Member
oops - this was supposed to be in fish forum
anyways.. thanks.. I'll clip a bit of lettuce and put it in there and see if eats it -
call lfs and see if they have culerpa too


Active Member
Yellow tangs are almost vegetarians... the need
"In its natural habitat, the Yellow Tang grazes on algae and small invertebrates. In the tank, it needs a varied diet high in beta-carotene and vitamin C, and low in protein matter."
I feed my PT Formula 2 primarily, Formula 1 and Prime Reef sometimes... Also green seaweed salad and/or caulerpa daily.
Tangs are sensitive to HLLE... a proper diet is very important. Also Zoecon and Selcon and good vitamins and will help keep them healthy.