Tang mixes? No aggression...


I was wondering what type of tangs would mix well with each other. I going to get a 100 gallon long reef tank 72x18x18. Thanks for any help!
I have had a yellow tang and a scopus together going on 2 years. So far so good. When I first introduced the YT the Scopus was a little bit aggressive but after the first night they were fine, and our now buddies.


Active Member
IMO don't have more than one Tang from the Acanthurus family i.e.Powder Blue, White Cheek, Achilles, Tennant, Sohal, Clown, Mimic, ect., and if you do one (which I would if I were you) put them in last as they are traditionally more aggressive to any new arrivals. How many were you thinking?
Oh and avoid the really big guys like Vlamingi, Sohal, Naso, Unicorn, Orange Shoulder ect. as they need a larger tank than you have. I kept a Naso in a tank similar to your size but I wouldn't recommend it.
I might look at Yellow and Tennant in your set up.


I don't really know, as many as i can have. Here's my priority list on my favorites: #1yellow,#2 blue hippo, #3purple,#4 scopas, and #5 Powder blue. If possible, I would like all of these but i don't really know about this so i'm leaving it to you.


New Member
Will a Yellow Tang and Powder Blue or Hippo Tang get along together? Oh yeah I have a 30 gallon tank. can't afford the big boys!


dude...please don't steal my thread, it's fine for now since you basically have the same question, but some people will get mad at you.


Originally Posted by Tearruly
Will a Yellow Tang and Powder Blue or Hippo Tang get along together? Oh yeah I have a 30 gallon tank. can't afford the big boys!
Your tank is too small for tangs, unless its a QT. Tangs will not do well in that size of tank. Sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSBdude
I don't really know, as many as i can have. Here's my priority list on my favorites: #1yellow,#2 blue hippo, #3purple,#4 scopas, and #5 Powder blue. If possible, I would like all of these but i don't really know about this so i'm leaving it to you.

Yellow and Blue Hippo should do just fine together....Yellow and Powder Blue should be fine as well....Yellow, Purple, and Scopas are the same shape which is iffy in a smaller tank (which yours is by Tang standards)....Make sure they get lots of veggies, and keep your ph steady (around 8.4) and regular water changes as Tangs need prestine water, once Tangs are established, I find them very hardy....Oh and QT if you can, particularly the Blue Hippo and Powder Blue are quite suseptable to ick.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Yellow and Blue Hippo should do just fine together....Yellow and Powder Blue should be fine as well....Yellow, Purple, and Scopas are the same shape which is iffy in a smaller tank (which yours is by Tang standards)....Make sure they get lots of veggies, and keep your ph steady (around 8.4) and regular water changes as Tangs need prestine water, once Tangs are established, I find them very hardy....Oh and QT if you can, particularly the Blue Hippo and Powder Blue are quite suseptable to ick.
ok.....My tank is too small for a naso...right? Actually, my ideal set-up of tangs would be naso, hippo, purple, and yellow, but that would be too many? I could minus the hippo but i really do want a naso....maybe?


Active Member
In your tank, from the ones on the list i would only do a yellow and a hippo. or only one of these two


Wow! Nasos can get to 18 inches long but that is after A LOT of years. Anyone think i could have 1 more tang with the blue and yellow? If so....which?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSBdude
Wow! Nasos can get to 18 inches long but that is after A LOT of years. Anyone think i could have 1 more tang with the blue and yellow? If so....which?
Kole Tang is about as small as a Tang gets....what else is going in the tank?


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Kole Tang is about as small as a Tang gets....what else is going in the tank?
As i said above...it's a 100 gallon long tank(72Lx18Wx18H)
Cleaner/fire shrimp a little later
Clean-up crew
Red Starfish after established tank
Cleaner wrasse
Blue hippo tang
Yellow tang
Open slot for another tang maybe
2 perc clownfish
3 blue reef chromis
Got any other fish suggestions
soft coral...no anemones
P.S....I commented about your "Go Bruins" in the March Madness thread. Ahhhhh just too much luck for UCLA


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSBdude
As i said above...it's a 100 gallon long tank(72Lx18Wx18H)
Cleaner/fire shrimp a little later
Clean-up crew
Red Starfish after established tank
Cleaner wrasse
Blue hippo tang
Yellow tang
Open slot for another tang maybe
2 perc clownfish
3 blue reef chromis
Got any other fish suggestions
soft coral...no anemones
P.S....I commented about your "Go Bruins" in the March Madness thread. Ahhhhh just too much luck for UCLA
Ha, I am actually U of Washington we are playing in that Tourney worse than the NIT
....Just picking UCLA to win it all, and yes Northern Cal (Cal and Stan) got a tough break (putting it nicely).
I think a Kole Tang would be ok, put him in before the others, Koles are rather shy...DO you already have the Cleaner Wrasse? If not, please scrape it, they almost never survive in captivity, they starve to death as they rarely accept food.


nope just about to get my tank though...thank you for all the help. Hey..Cal beat Wash first round of the Pac-10 tourney. YAY!
It was a good game though.


Active Member
Personally, with a 100g, you're pretty well max with 2 tangs, imo, especially since one of them is a hippo, which get up to 12 inches. You also need to consider the bioload, since they graze all day that means their detritus will be immense as well.


Active Member
Monk is giving you good advice, he/she (don't know) knows more about "reef tanks", in FOWLR (my forte) the bioload is not quite as important as when you keep corals, fish are not usually hurt by a few Nitrates, but corals and shrimp certainly can be.

And Brockman didn't play with a bum ankle or we would have beat you in the Tourney.....Maybe


Originally Posted by DSBdude
Wow! Nasos can get to 18 inches long but that is after A LOT of years. Anyone think i could have 1 more tang with the blue and yellow? If so....which?
What about a desjardinii or sailfin tang. They are both beautiful fish.