Originally Posted by
Dude..you're about to get flamed by somebody, not me...but somebody.....
Anybody think i could keep blue, yellow, and naso in a 100 gallon long or should i just stick with two....
Personally, I don't think a naso should be in a tank smaller than 200g for more than the first 6 months or so of it's life because they do get up to 18 inches (I've seen them). This will also address the issue of fish size, brought up by the other poster:
Fish can, and do, grow to the size specified on sites like this one... if they are healthy. I've seen 12 inch hippo tangs, 22+ inch vlamingi tangs, 18 inch nasos... there's a member here that has a 10 inch yellow, and they're only listed at 8 inches on most sites. Fish shouldn't have stunted growth, otherwise they're not healthy and will have a drastically reduced lifespan. There's a lot of debate on the boards here about the minimum tank size for most tangs, but the best advice for most people who haven't been in the hobby for a year or two is that you really need to know the long-term implications of what you buy. Seriously consider the max size as accurate, and very possible, and if your fish will be living in a tank where it cannot reach that, then you should reconsider.
I'd love to have a naso, but I have a 180g tank and won't be putting one in there because this is the biggest I'll likely ever have the money own/operate, and I fully understand that it's just not going to work well in a 180g for it's entire life. I do have several others, a convict, hippo, and a sailfin, and will likely be adding a yellow (or two, so there's a grouping of 3 zebrasomas)... and that's pretty well close to the "overstock" range.
People also don't take bioload into account. Tangs have a huge bioload because they graze all day (which makes more detritus). If you have tangs that get to be rather large your bioload goes up and you can't keep as many fish as you would if you didn't have tangs. If you try to keep a heavily stocked tank, and have larger tangs, you'll likely have to deal with higher nitrates in some way. Just something to think about.